Wellbeing - Supports
Term 2 Social and Emotional Learning
This term our topic is "Emotional Literacy"
Each class will be delivering explicit teaching on recognising and understanding our feelings.
Have you noticed your children talking about which ZONE they might be in? The Zones of Regulation assist children to recognise and manage their own emotions. Each Zone is recognised as a colour as seen below. Part of children learning to self regulate is recognising how they are feeling, what that feels like in their body and what they need in order to move on with their day. Over time we hope they develop a 'tool kit' of useful activities or coping strategies that help them get the most out of their day and while at school - the most out of their learning.
Our students are starting to show amazing insight into themselves and they are learning to be the boss of their emotions.
Breakfast Club @ Surfside
Great News! Our school has partnered with FoodBank Victoria to provide a nutritious, filling Breakfast free of charge every Tuesday between 8 - 8.30am via the School Kitchen. The Breakfast is served each week by our team of Year 6 Breakfast Club Champions. If anyone would like to join us you would be most welcome! No need to sign up, just turn up on the fake turf between the Kitchen and Garden and we will take your orders of cereal, fresh fruit, fruit cups or toast. Give us time and inspiration and we will expand our menu as numbers increase.