Holy Week @ COHR

Prayer Spaces

Over this week our children and parents, who joined our school tours, have been travelling the journey of Holy Week through Prayer Spaces created by our students and teachers.


Each space represented a day from Holy Week - Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. At each station classes gathered, shared such activities as the scripture story of the day, some interesting facts, art work, a mindfulness activity, music and prayers.


Holy Week Liturgy

This morning as school community we gathered in prayer to remember Jesus' journey to Easter. There were many readers, students who carried up items into our central space and we all participated by praying through song, the chorus of 'Create a New Heart'. 

We finished our prayer at Holy Saturday.


Create a new heart in me,

Come and set me free,

Open my eyes to see

You can create a new heart in me. (Michael Mangan)


Thank you to all who helped us to celebrate Holy Week. 


On the first Monday back at school we will hold our Easter Liturgy - full of colour and joy that Jesus has risen.


Christ Our Holy Redeemer Parish

These are the times for the services at Christ Our Holy Redeemer Church over Easter 

Holy Thursday 1 April

7pm Mass


Good Friday 2 April

9.30 Stations of the Cross

3pm Passion of the Lord


Holy Saturday 3 April

7pm Easter Vigil


Easter Sunday 4 April

8.00am Mass

11.00am Mass


No bookings are required


Wishing you and your families a very safe and holy Easter season.

Jo Cowan (Religious Education Leader)