Vicroads Roadsmart Program

On Monday 10 May, Year 10 students – some of whom will soon be going for their learner’s permits – participated in the Vicroads Roadsmart Program.


So, what did the students think of the program?

“…new interesting facts I learnt about cars and safety that I didn’t know about. It was fun.”


“The Roadsmart [program] was something different and really fun.”


“I learnt about the dangers of speeding and distractions while driving.”


“It was really informative. I learned a lot about road safety and now I as a learner-driver, can prepare to stop accidents from happening.”


As an additional benefit for their participation, students are eligible for a FREE driving lesson with an approved instructor. Visit this Road link Smart to find out more.


Anthony Hitchman (Year 10 level co-ordinator)