Student Excellence

Congratulations to the following students who have been recognised for their dedication and commitment to their learning and school values:
Nominated by Jessica Winstone for VCAL Senior Literacy
- William Berrett (Year 12) - For responses to a musician interview reading piece which were worthy of a professional music journalist. So insightful!
Nominated by Julia Newnham
- William Berrett (Year 12) - William has improved so much this year with his work, a more positive attitude, homework and his VET course.
Nominated by Julie Cox for Year 7 Science
- Miles Aly (Year 7) - for student excellence for his engagement, achievement and persistence with programming Lego robots at KIOSC yesterday.
Nominated by Sunita Sewani for Year 8 Maths
- Whole Year 8B class - for showing respect for our class expectations.
Nominated by Wei Ma for Year 9 and 10 Japanese
- Victor Samuel (Year 9)
- Lily Li (Year 10) - both for good work ethics and positive attitudes to their learning of Japanese with excellent progress and being very encouraging and supportive to other students