Poster Competition

Congratulations to the two winners and all finalists of the 'My Gender Equal Future' poster competition for young people interested in graphic design and who live, work, or study in the Knox area.
Twenty-four creative students from six different schools submitted posters to the competition hosted by Pledge Knox in partnership with Knox City Council and Swinburne University of Technology.
All the posters displayed fantastic creative ability in imagining a gender-equal world where everyone enjoys equal opportunities, choices and resources.
Earlier this month, an awards ceremony was held where finalists and winners were awarded prizes by Deputy Mayor Cr. Susan Laukens For Knox.
Swinburne University and Fairhills High School Knoxfield also received awards for having the most submissions.
The posters are currently being displayed at Ferntree Gully Library.
We're proud to be a member of Pledge Knox (People Linking to Embrace & Develop Gender Equality) along with a host of local organisations.