From the Principal's Desk
Mothers' Day Wrap
It was great to see so many families enjoying our Mother's Day Breakfast last Friday. The weather was perfect and there was certainly plenty to eat! I hope you all enjoyed the opportunity to take a break from our fast-paced world and catch up with old and new friends alike.
Our Mothers' Day Stall was a hit with our savvy shoppers of Years Prep-6 so I hope all mums received something of a surprise.
Thank you so much to Sharlene Delovski and Maria Randall for setting up and co-ordinating the stall and to our helpers on the day.
Excursions Galore
It was such a quiet day at school today with only our Year 3 and our Year 5 and 6 students onsite. And with NAPLAN in progress it was even quieter.
But...... wasn't it wonderful to see our Year Prep - 2 and our Year 4 students heading off on Excursions first thing this morning? As I predicted (at Monday morning assembly) the weather was perfect - 18 degrees and fine and sunny! The smiles on our children's faces as they bounded into school was priceless! No doubt it won't be as quiet when they return.
For a full suite of photos, keep an eye on our Facebook page in the coming days.
First Communion Workshop
A reminder for families whose children will be receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist this year - our First Communion workshop is next Tuesday 18th May. This will be held in our community hall commencing at 7:00pm. Each child making their communion and one parent are to attend.
School Closure Days
Please note in your diaries our upcoming School Closure Days for Staff Professional Development:
- Friday 28th May
- Monday 12th July
- Monday 1st November
I will be away on conference for the most part of next week so there will be NO newsletter published. Any queries can be directed to Miss Jane Wilkinson or Miss Deborah Courtney who will be more than happy to assist.
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Anthony Hyde