Art Room News

Hello RHPS Artists,


Thank you to the families and staff for the wonderful cardboard boxes and newspaper donations. Our collection is growing and we are looking forward to creating lots of fun and amazing art pieces with these. 


Our Grade 3/4 students have been extremely busy in the art room. We have been learning about Australian artist, Pete Cromer. The students are taking inspiration from Pete's work to create beautiful collage Australian animals and clay pinch pots.


Over the last 3 weeks, we have used watercolour paint to create gorgeous paper for our planned collages and we have also begun making our clay creations. These will be fired in the kiln in the coming weeks and then we will learn how to glaze our clay.


It has been a pleasure to observe our Grade 5/6 students working so intensely on their Ken Done inspired canvases. Each is unique and their skills are growing with each session. I can't wait to display these fantastic pieces of artwork. When these are complete, we will be moving onto photography and animation to link in with a very special author visit.....more to come shortly.


It has been a pleasure to see so many enthusiastic artists coming to Art Club on Monday's at lunchtime. Jack and Charley our Art Captains, are doing a great job to keep these sessions fun for all.

Monday Lunchtime
Monday Lunchtime

Have a wonderful week and remember...


Mrs. Granger

The 3D Printer that our ICT Captains (Heath and Liam) built is now printing. The first print was half a small robot. The failure wasn’t due to the printer, the Laptop controlling the printer went to sleep, lesson learned.



Parents of Years F-2 may have noticed students brining home all sorts of creations from their STEAM – Design Technologies classes. The nibblers have a tiny (3mm) opening that students can feed pieces of plywood into.


 Students have been designing their own creations and using the Nibblers to make their objects. Students then detail their creations with pencils and markers to complete their projects.


Over the coming weeks we will be learning to make more and more complex creations.

This short video above  will give you a glimpse of the Nibblers in action.


If you are keen to have a go on one of the Nibblers, make sure you come to our

 Open-Night! Wednesday, 19th May.