P&F News

Hi AMAZING RHPS community!

Read all about what the P&F have in store for our school community below!


Mother's Day Wrap Up ...

The 2021 Mother's Day was a huge success! It was wonderful to see so many families supporting the event and the children had so much fun.  


THANK YOU to all our wonderful volunteers: Ruth S, Rebecca VD, Meagan VDH, Kelly W, Chelsie C, Toni M, Kate S, Wendy F, Christine B, Belinda L, Jenine K, Julie H, Beck L, Sarah P, Bec P, Niki Z, Tara H, Kristy P and Julie Q.  We really appreciate your time and support. 


This year have made a profit of $1000 due to your generous support.  All this profit goes straight towards helping to pay for new playground equipment. So, thank you! 


We hope that all the Mum's, Nanna's, Step Mums and any other special people had a lovely day and enjoyed their gifts.


Term 2 Disco...

RHPS is going back in time for an old school, fluro 'Totally 80s Disco'. This links in with the theme of the school production :)


THEME: Totally 80s Disco! 

DATE: Friday, 28th May 

SESSION 1: Prep, Grade 1 & 2 = 5pm - 6pm

SESSION 2: Grades 3 - 6 = 6.15pm - 7.30pm

WHERE: The gym at school

COST: $12

INCLUDES: disco entry, a lanyard glow stick and an icy pole as they leave

DRESS: funky fluros, old school outfits and 80s dance!

DUE DATE: Please return order forms by Thursday 20th May.


This year, Mr. Bradley would like parents to stay at school while their children attend the disco.  

Parents can:

- Stay inside the gym and watch their children dance, or, 

- Head to the staffroom to socialise, relax and enjoy some nibbles or have a cuppa, or,

- Go and browse the book fair in the library.


It’s ok if a friend brings your child to the disco, as long as they are responsible for them at the disco.


Further details:

There are additional flyers and order forms at the office

Check Compass for full details and order forms.


Silly Socks...

At the END of Term 2, there will be a SILLY SOCK WALK TO SCHOOL DAY at RHPS!  The Silly Sock order forms have now closed. If you purchased some pairs, your socks will be delivered to your nominated child before the last week of Term 2, in time for the Walk to School day.


Keep your eyes out: 

Further details will be communicated about Silly Sock Walk to School Day later in the term.


Trivia Night.... TICKETS ON SALE SOON!

Trivia Night is being held on Saturday 31st July.  The P&F team have been working REALLY HARD to collect lots of AMAZING donations for a Silent Auction and Raffle.  So far we have some wonderful prizes up for grabs! 


This is one of the major fundraisers for the year and has the potential to raise lots of money towards our new school playground.  We would love, love, love lots of community support for this event.  Start to plan your table and book your babysitter now!



Early Bird tickets @ $15 each will be going on sale towards the end of May!

Begin to hassle your friends and think about your team now! 

Teams can be sizes of 8-10 depending on your preference. 


Keep your eyes out:  Ticket order forms will be going home in the next few weeks!




Term 3 Trivia Night - Saturday 31st July

Term 4 Christmas Fete - Sunday 28th November

How to contact the P&F committee? 

You can contact Melissa in the office who will put in contact with Jacinta. 

Or, you can email the P&F directly at: rhps.pf.3138@gmail.com

There are membership forms displayed in the Office foyer too!


Chat soon,

Jacinta, Chelsie and the P&F team