Whole School News



Collingwood College Updated Logo Vote!

Recently our school SRC, staff and school council have seen images of 4 new logo updates to refresh our school branding. 


A designer has been working with the college to develop a new pictorial image which encapsulates our school values of diversity, creativity, innovation, relationships and achievement. 

The final stage of selecting our new logo is by asking our school community to vote! 




Community voting will close on Wednesday, May 19th. Stay tuned for the official announcement of our new Collingwood College logo.




Twilight Tours

Spread the word to friends, family & neighbours who may be interested in a Sunday tour of our school..




Treasure Island - High school production

The story is adapted by Alex Bryant from the classic tale by Robert Louis Stevenson of pirates and mutiny. All families throughout the school are welcome to attend. Parents, be aware that there will be scenes containing conflict and death and loud noises.


A student recount of rehearsals:

Squire Mable, Dr Alex Livesey, and the rest of these gentlemen have asked me to write down the whole particulars about Treasure Island, from the beginning to the end.


I take up my keyboard in the year of grace 2021 and can tell you that the rehearsals have been coming along wonderfully at the Collingwood College theatre. In particular our singing and harmonising has been astonishing for a group of old seadogs, and the whole crew has been working hard learning lines and adding life to scenes. Although the old seaman with the sabre cut has not taken up his lodging under our roof, I am sure you will hear him break out in the old sea-song “Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest..”


With a fine dinner by our talented VCAL students from 6pm-7pm before the excitement starts. The performances are on the 22rd and 23rd July 2021 at 7pm.


Get your tickets at https://www.trybooking.com/BRJJP


The show will be a true to life ripper, keeping nothing back but the bearings of the island, and that’s only because there is still treasure to be lifted.


Written by Matilda Milewska 



San Francisco Youth Eurythmy Troupe

San Francisco Youth Eurythmy Troupe's latest presentation 2021

During the holiday I attended a digital conference for eurythmy hosted by Goetheanum. It was encouraging to hear from the speakers and meet other eurythmists from around the world.  Besides lectures and workshops, there were other offerings which included San Francisco Youth Eurythmy Troupe's recent presentations. If you are interested, please go to YouTube with "San Francisco Youth Eurythmy Troupe 2021" and "Eurythmy Performance - SF Youth Eurythmy Troupe Spring 2021." As all of us know they were confined for a long period of time and they practiced virtually until recently. Their visit to Collingwood was only last year, but it feels like a long time ago. If you watch their documentary, you will see quite a few students who came to Melbourne last year which is very exciting. I hope that you will enjoy both videos. 


Eurythmy teacher

Volunteers Needed for Veil Making - Eurythmy

Volunteers needed for veil making (hand sewing individually at home)

We are making silk veils for high school students. Even though Class 9s are doing their best for making their own, we definitely need our Steiner community's fine needle skills as well as time. I will hand you the veil pack which includes 2 cut and hemmed veils and silk thread. I will give you simple instructions and you need to sew with a running stitch, (sorry no sewing machine as the veil is such a fine material).  You would be sewing at home and bring it back with each stage so that I can check it and give you the next instruction. (only 2 stages) It would take about 3 - 4 hours for the total sewing. If you could help us, please contact me. We are aiming at 25 veils. 



Eurythmy teacher




Iftar Celebration

On Wednesday, 5th May Collingwood College celebrated Iftar in the Reggio 1/2 room. The Islamic community welcomed the wider school community to a feast to celebrate Iftar during the Ramadan. 

Everyone brought a plate to the celebration and enjoyed some great dishes,

Coffee brewed with ginger Tea


Financial Assistance for Families


School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors, excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works and sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership.  All of which are part of a healthy curriculum.  CSEF allowance is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you hold a valid means –tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.  A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families.

The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

The CSEF payment cannot be used towards voluntary school charges, books, stationery, school uniforms, before/after school care, music lessons, or formals/graduations.

The annual CSEF amount per student is:

·         $125 for primary school students

·         $225 for secondary school students

How to apply

New applications should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form, download from www.education.vic.gov.au/csef or download the form attached below:


CSEF forms are available from www.education.vic.gov.au/csef in a range of languages. Alternatively you can speak to one of our Community Liaison Officers.

Please check with the school office if you are unsure.


More Information

For more information about the CSEF visit www.education.vic.gov.au/csef


Claire Gibson

Business Manager





Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Naomi at: nomssicle@gmail.com



Pride Club

Pride Club! Tuesday lunchtime Room 301. For all students who support equality at Collingwood College!






Collingwood College is online! Feel free to follow us on: 

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/collingwood.college/ and like us on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/collingwood.vic.edu.au/ to keep up to date with everything that our school has to offer our students and the community.