
Donations Requested

There are some particular items we're asking year levels to donate to the Fair table in the foyer at the office.The Fair greatly appreciates anything families can contribute towards the stalls for the Fair. 


We understand you may have multiple children at the school so please don’t feel you have to donate for every class 😊

Foundation, Year 1 & 2


  • Choc toss items: wrapped chocolate bars/blocks or packaged lollies.

Year 3 & 4 


  • Lucky Dip items: temporary tattoos, craft items, party favours, novelty pens/pencils
  • Tomato sauce, BBQ sauce and mustard bottles for the hot food stalls.

Year 5 & 6 


  • Soft drink cans 
  • Paper napkins
  • Kids bikes, scooters & skateboards: Have the kids outgrown their old ones? If they’re in good sellable condition contact Kat (0490 179 469) to donate.
  • Wine Raffle: Drop off a bottle to the office (make it drinkable please!
  • Toy Adoption: Plush toy animals/characters no more than 30cm tall.
  • Preserves: Jam jars and passata jars – empty, clean & delabelled.
  • Kids secondhand books & video games – drop these to the Old Hall the week of the Fair. 

Thanks in advance! 


Got questions? Email