Good news - inside and outside the classroom
Super 8 Girls Cricket Teams
Last week our Super 8 girls cricket teams played at the Barr Reserve. The Year 7 & Years 9/10 teams placed 2nd and the Year 8 team placed 4th overall. Congratulations to all of our teams for making the day full of fun, great cricket and fantastic displays of sportsmanship. Well done students and our staff for making the day a success.
Finding true bearings
Year 10 students were applying the use of true bearings to a navigation task, the students used UK airports as the center of compass.
Celebrating International Women's Day, and everyday
If you can see it, you can be it. Wangaratta High School celebrates all women, to those that teach and to those that learn. Mrs Doyle’s senior art class here shows young women thriving in all fields of creative arts and design.
The Chronicle
If you haven't had a chance to grab your local newspaper the Chronicle over the past couple of weeks, here are a couple of articles you may have missed: