From the Head of Senior School

Mr Trent Chapman

KWS Conversations – Year 12 

In order to foster healthy and positive understandings, KWS Conversations provides an opportunity for Year 12 students to discuss pressing social issues that directly impact how they see themselves in the world. The topics of conversation are chosen through entries in a suggestion box and the guidelines revolve around respectful questioning, respectful listening, and aiming to find a place of commonality and acceptance rather than division and intolerance. 


The conversations are student run, with the support of the Senior Years Coordinator, and other staff members: they don’t claim to have all the answers but instead to provide a safe and supported forum for discussion. This week, our conversation explored Identity Diversity – what it is, how it affects individuals, areas of confusion and uncertainty, and a myriad of other questions. The conversation inspired a collaborative and thoughtful interaction between a variety of viewpoints, and was designed to inform, unite, and celebrate the cohort. KWS Conversations takes place on Wednesday mornings in the Library. 

House Athletics Carnival 

The recent House Athletics Carnival held on the Main oval was a tremendous success, with an amazing display of House spirit from both staff and students. It was a day filled with excitement, enthusiasm, and friendly competition, which brought everyone together and created a vibrant and festive atmosphere. Participation across the age groups was excellent and it was fantastic to see students encouraging and congratulating each other throughout the day.


The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the final relays. The cheers and screams from the crowd were thunderous as each house supported their runners to the finish line. The House Athletics Carnival is a testament to the school’s strong sense of community, with students and staff coming together to create a truly memorable day. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to our staff who supported and ran each event, and I look forward to another successful carnival next year.  

Thanks to our NAPLAN Team 

On behalf of the School, I take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Mrs Michelle Thompson, Academic Administrator and Richards House Head Mentor, and her team of staff for the smooth and successful online NAPLAN exams for Years 7 and 9 last week. 


This year, NAPLAN was brought forward into Term 1 and required a huge amount of planning, training, and preparation during what is already an extremely busy term. The NAPLAN exams can be a stressful time for students, and the committed support and troubleshooting provided by our dedicated staff over multiple days of testing is greatly appreciated. 

Camps Week 1 – 5 April 

As the end of Term 1 draws closer, a reminder to all students to ensure they are prepared for Camps Week. Students in all year groups will be actively engaged in a range of meaningful and challenging activities outside of the normal classroom environment. This plays a crucial role in the education of the whole student.  


Year Group Activity Activity coordinator 
Year 12 Study Camp Mrs Claudia McCalman  
Years 10 & 11 Work Experience Mr Bruce Paine  
Years 8 - 12 

Annual Cadet Camp 


Mr Simon Lun 
Years 8 – 9 Community Service Mrs Sue-Ann Gavin  
Year 7 Year 7 Camp Ms Alex Dunkely  


Students and families are encouraged to reach out to our activity coordinators if you have questions or concerns leading up to Camps Week.