Italian @ WPS

The introduction of Italian to all students K-6 at Windang Public School has been a huge  successful. The students are enthusiastic and keen to practise what they are learning. During lessons all students are given opportunities to speak Italian to encourage good pronunciation. 


In term 1 the areas covered were greetings, numbers, days of the week and months. Each week the children learn new phrases building towards being able to have a simple conversation. 


Learning and singing songs in Italian also assists to embed the vocabulary they have learnt. This term the students learnt the songs ‘Ciao Buongiorno’ and ‘Ciao Ciao’. 


Next term we will continue on our Italian journey working towards extending vocabulary and learning about Italian culture. 


Fun Facts About Leraning a Second Language 

Having the opportunity to learn a second language at a young age nurtures curiosity, cultural sensitivity, empathy and tolerance. 


The research also shows that learning a second language boosts problem solving, critical thinking and listening skills, in addition to improving memory and concentration.