Year 3/4 Bulletin

Welcome to our second bulletin of 2023!


This bulletin will be centred around our cooking sessions with Steph in the student kitchen. Each class has the opportunity to cook every three weeks on a rotation, using produce from the garden that is picked and maintained during the weekly gardening sessions with Abby. 


The School Values


Throughout the beginning part of this term, we have unpacked what each of the values looks like and sounds like in the classroom and within each of the specialist sessions and our Gardening and Kitchen Garden sessions. We are so fortunate to live and learn in such a thriving community. Within the kitchen, displaying these five values is of paramount importance, to allow students to grow and work collaboratively safely alongside one another. 


Learning Intention: To explore and follow a procedural text. 


Knife skills/learning how to use a kitchen safely.


Each class cooking session, students are split into four groups and will cook four different vegetarian based dishes. The introduction of the sessions allows students to discover new cooking techniques - the first being knife skills and kitchen safety. Each group is provided with a procedural text with a recipe, and is to work collaboratively in order to complete the dish.


Once the dishes are prepared, students sit together in the kitchen and enjoy their meal together, trying the produce and having a go at new dishes. 



  • Why do we need to learn how to use knives in the kitchen safely?
  • How do we know which produce in our own gardens at home is ready to cook with?
  • What is the importance of reading and unpacking a recipe from start to finish before beginning the cooking process?
  • Why should we try everything before we decide whether we enjoy it or not?

Examples of students work

What can you do now?


To continue the cooking process at home, you can access our Armadale Primary School Kitchen Garden portal via the school website, which contains recipes that have been cooked in the past. Have conversations with your child about what they cooked and the skills they gained (knife skills, OH&S in the kitchen, food safety, using the stove/oven) and transfer these to a real-world experience. 


Things to remember:


Compass Class Timetables


Please check on a regular basis, or print it out and have it in a central location, in order to make sure all parents are aware of our daily activities, especially when we have PE, SPORT, Gardening and Kitchen Garden, where your child may require to wear appropriate clothing, shoes etc.




All classes have Library on Mondays. Steph has begun to keep a record of students who consistently forget to bring their red bags so we ask that you remind your child to pack their library bag the night before.




For many students, this year is their first time experiencing what it is like to receive and complete homework in a set time.  We encourage all students to complete their tasks in their homework books and return them by the due date each week. The homework coincides with tasks completed in class so as to consolidate the learning and are aligned with curriculum standards.


For further information, please refer to our Homework Policy linked below.




This Friday, 3/4A will be cooking again. From then on, we will rotate to 3/4C, then 3/4R. If  you are able to volunteer for either the gardening sessions (on Thursdays) or the cooking sessions every three weeks, please let your classroom teacher know or sign up using the sign-up sheet provided by Steph through the Newsletter. 


Dates to remember:

  • 21st March - Harmony Day

3/4 Team