Unit 3/4 Biology
Last week students in Unit 3/4 Biology investigated the use of recombinant plasmids as vectors to transform bacterial cells. The practical involved them transforming bacteria (E. coli) with a gene from Aequorea victoria; a bioluminescent jellyfish. As transformation was successful, the green fluorescent protein (GFP) of the Aequorea victoria was expressed in the bacteria; causing them to glow bright green under UV light. Using bacterial plasmid-based genetic transformation, students acquired the tools to transform E. coli bacteria to express new genetic information employing a plasmid system and applying mathematical routines to determine transformation efficiency.
By playing an active role in the process of manipulation of genetic information, students gained a greater understanding of how DNA operates which allowed them to consolidate previous learning such as cell structures of bacteria; structure and function of cell membranes, enzymes, and DNA and RNA; transcription and translation.
Ms Carly Doyle & Ms Amanda Jacobs