Senior Unit
Miss Eade, Mrs Lupa and Mrs Trewick
Senior Unit
Miss Eade, Mrs Lupa and Mrs Trewick
The senior classes have been super the past few weeks with both their learning and leadership roles. The Grade 5 students are super relieved to have NAPLAN done and dusted for another 2 years. They all did amazing and should be very proud of their effort and resilience.
Our grade 6 leaders have been busy selling ANZAC day badges, running assemblies and golden hammer day and also meeting with their buddies.
We have been investigating 3D shapes in our maths subject. The students have loved using play dough and nets to construct 3D models.
We have been continuing to read our text called ‘Once’ in literacy which has everyone on the edge of their seats. We have also been writing our ethical dilemma story and a narrative that will soon be published. The students have enjoyed writing these amazing stories and I can’t wait to read them.
The students have mentioned that Golden Hammer Day and the Tractor pull have been the most recent highlights. GO AUSTIN!!!