Junior Unit
Miss McNamara, Miss Williams, Mrs Schwab and Mrs Kerlin
Junior Unit
Miss McNamara, Miss Williams, Mrs Schwab and Mrs Kerlin
Over the last couple of weeks the Foundation students have been taking their readers and fluency folders home to practise their letter recognition and start putting the letter sounds together. In the classroom the students partner up to practise their fluency reading tasks, they take turns of being the teacher watching for any errors which we have been practising using kind words to encourage their partner to try again.
We play lots of maths games to practise maths concepts such as counting, subitising and place value. Some of the games we have played include 1,2,3,4 win them all, subitising memory & snap and 5 in a row.
Each day the students keep track of how many days we have been at school using a few ways to represent the number (tens frames & counters, numeral and hundreds chart). By the end of Week 8 the Foundation students will have reached 33 days of school.
This week we caught up with our buddies to learn about Harmony Day and complete a craft activity.
Golden Hammer Day
Last week we had so much fun moving around different activities with the students from our houses and coming to school in our house colours.
1/2 K/S
The Year 1/2 students in Mrs Schwab and Mrs Kerlin’s room have had a busy 2 weeks.
Some of our highlights have been;
We all enjoyed working and playing other students in our house colour teams The activities were all a lot of fun.
1/2 EW
What a busy few weeks! Here is a quick recap of what has been happening in 1/2 EW the past two weeks…
We introduced our new learning approach for literacy- Decodable Readers Australia. This meant students were working within both classrooms and learning a new structure to our literacy routine. The students have done an amazing job and seem to be really enjoying this new approach. In Numeracy, we have been focusing on counting and grouping materials with all the new strategies we have learnt. Students have shown great knowledge and understanding and have just started to group large numbers. This is awesome to see!
Every day after break two 1/2 EW spend 5-10 minutes doing mindfulness where we colour in, meditate, check in with each other and or do yoga. The students love this time to relax and reflect on their day. Last Friday, we had Golden Hammer Day and we were super excited to get dressed up in our house colours and participate in the activities. The students have been talking about how fun it was and how good it was to work with older and younger students of the school. Well done on a great two weeks!