Media & Marketing

FN mentions in the media, the latest marketing tools and ShopFN branded giftware

96FM Perth | Facing down the challenges of the rental crisis


The network achieved strong publicity for Western Australia’s First National agencies when CEO, Ray Ellis, discussed the challenges prospective renters face and the things they can do to improve their chances of gaining application approval. 

Ultra 106.5 FM Hobart | Getting ahead with renting 

Tasmania’s offices got a brand boost on a recent Saturday morning when First National was invited to talk to Ultra 106.5’s audience about what’s causing the rental vacancy shortage and how tenants can find their next home faster. Click the image to listen.

3AW Radio, Melbourne | Market wrap up with First National  


Melbourne’s Sunday afternoon 3AW listeners heard from First National about market conditions and the rental supply crisis in a wide-ranging 15-minute interview with network CEO, Ray Ellis.

3AW Radio, Melbourne | How to win the rental application battle


Victorian offices got great brand exposure for the second time in one week when the network chatted to 3AW’s evening audience about what they can do to improve their chances in the rental race.

The Real Estate Conversation | NSW GEM Awards


The Real Estate Conversation published news of First National Real Estate’s 2023 GEM Award winners. More...

FN Yamba launches own newspapers


FN Yamba (NSW) principal Richard Hunt has joined forces with Lauren Mikkelsen to buy FN Iluka Woombah from real estate veteran, Earl Cochran


With a vision to introduce marketing synergy between the two offices, which lie on separate sides of the Clarence River, the duo has launched a comprehensive communications plan which includes two newspapers explaining the customer benefits soon to be delivered. 


Please join us in wishing Richard and Lauren the best of luck with their new venture and thank you, Earl, for your efforts in facilitating a smooth transition.

Improve your website's PageRank


Maintaining useful information on your website improves the uder experience and helps you rank high in Google search. So, don't miss your opportunity to stay relevant by uploading these four new First National blogs to your website.  Click here to get started...


Don't forget, spending a few minutes to alter the copywriting a little will get you even better results.

International Women’s Day | Tomorrow


International Women’s Day is tomorrow, so please share the above post to your social media and honour the women in our lives and businesses who make our world a better place.

Saint Patrick’s Day | 17 March


Saint Patrick's Day is happiest day of the year, whether you're Irish or not! To help the Irish hearts amongst us, we’ve created a little celebratory collateral for you to share.


March customer newsletters now out


Our March sales, landlords and tenant newsletters are now out, with updates on the national property marketplace and:

  • PM rules out taxing family home
  • Gerry Harvey says 'sell your house, boat and car'
  • Annual growth in house rents eases in some cities
  • Hawkish shift in RBA messaging
  • Property market outlook
  • Revamping your rental without causing damage