
Beth Winterhalter - Music Coordinator

The music department is a buzzing space with students making full use of the facilities during lunchtimes this week. We currently have the VCE students, the Year 8 rock band, the College Choir, MMCRC Fusion Band, and a new Year 9 band, rehearsing each day.


I sometimes ask myself, “Why am I a music teacher?” 

My answer is always… “the music building is seen as a safe space by the students. Some students that feel they are lost, or don’t belong, can always find refuge here and can get away from the worries of the day. Often, students arrive with a worried, depressed, and withdrawn look on their faces, then they leave with an energised, happy, and refreshed look. This says it all, it puts a smile on my face knowing that I have made a positive impact on a student’s life that day.” 


So why am I a music teacher? That’s why I am a music teacher. To change lives and to provide refuge for lost souls. The power of music is amazing! 


Do you know that Music Education develops:

  • Better listening and understanding
  • Literacy, language, and other academic skills
  • Belonging, personal identity, confidence, and well-being
  • Reading development and coding
  • Students to be more adaptable, critical and resilient individuals in diverse social learning situations
  • Capacity to utilise more working memory
  • Bigger, faster, and more efficient brains

If you haven’t signed up to learn an instrument yet, you still can. Join the movement!!

Please contact Ms. Winterhalter to get an enrolment form.


There are still vacancies available particularly on trumpet, trombone, and saxophone. 


Learn music and thrive!!


So...what’s been happening in the music department this week? 


The VCE students are madly preparing for their SAC 3 performance this week. 

The Senior music classes attended the Gipps Tech School for an excursion in Music and Movie making on Friday. 

  • Vocal lessons are well underway with Ms. Kerryn Lockhart. Her students are very dedicated to their lessons always turning up early and fully prepared! 
  • Saxophone, Drums, and Audio mixing lessons with Mr. Robinson, where students are learning new skills and creating digital music. 
  • Many students signing up for Guitar lessons with Mr. Finsterer shows how popular the instrument is. 

Some wonderful tunes being played this week.

  • Ms Winterhalter was instructing brass lessons where the students are learning some funky tunes and classical repertoire also.