
Pi Day

Trevor Carter - Secondary Maths Faculty Leader

On Tuesday, March 14th each year (or 3.14 in US date nomenclature), the world celebrates PI day.


This year the Donvale maths teachers invited our secondary students to take part in a special celebration of the infinite number ‘pi’.


At lunchtime, approximately 180 secondary students and teachers gathered in the center of the footy oval to create a human π symbol. A drone captured an image of us.


Participants then lined up to enjoy a party ‘pi’ with some entering the competition to recite PI to the most digits with some apple pie being the winners’ prize.


Congratulations to all those who recited pi, with special mention to Levi McIntosh of Year 11 who recited pi to over 100 decimal places… and Duncan Lee of Year 12 who bettered that reciting pi to 120 decimal places! 


Thank you to all who participated.

Medieval Day

Katelyn Reed - Humanities Coordinator


Hurdy Gurdies

The Carola

The longsword

And, cittern

Year 8's are experts in these and many other aspects of the Middle Ages following Medieval Day. Buzzing between Costume and Lifestyle, Harm and Healing, Arms and Armour, and Music and Dance, students received an up close encounter with materials, instruments, dances, weapons and armour. 


History Up Close provided interactive experiences and engagement from a wonderful team of experts. 


Weighed down by chain mail, helmet and gauntlets, students were able to imagine the duress of a medieval knight and the tactical decisions that they would encounter. 


Students wove through the room, doing the Carola, the most documented form of secular dance during the Middle Ages, whilst other students played accompanying music on medieval instruments. 


A great day was had by all.