Primary Life

Year 2 Camp Day

Bryce Morgan - Year 2 Team Leader

On Tuesday 14 March students in Year 2 visited the Mt Evelyn Discovery Camp for the day. This term our students have been discovering in our Inquiry unit the many ways we can be healthy - physically, mentally and spiritually. During our day camp, the students cooked damper over a fire, met some native animals, identified native plants, and challenged themselves on low ropes and movement courses. The students were challenged to go out of their comfort zone and to encourage and look out for each other. We were very blessed to have a such a wonderful time and great weather. A big thank you to all the wonderful parent helpers who came along too.

Polly Woodside and Alexandra Gardens 

Josh Turnbull - Year 4 Team Leader

On Wednesday 8 March, students in Year 4 had the opportunity to visit the Polly Woodside Museum and explore Alexandra Gardens to complement our Inquiry Unit titled ‘What’s Your Story?’  


Students explored what life was like for a sailor on a ship from England and discovered the hard and treacherous conditions that they faced during a voyage. It created a real-life perspective of what an explorer would have experienced when they navigated around the world. 


Students also became explorers as they found various monuments, statues and buildings within Alexandra Gardens. They were guided by their teachers or parent volunteers who had maps and had to navigate around the gardens. They displayed resilience and perseverance as they wandered around and discovered how to read a map correctly. 


Some student highlights:

My highlight of the excursion was going on Polly Woodside ship. I enjoyed steering the wheel and scrubbing the deck. It was a lot of fun! Nate Spence, 4JT


One thing I liked about the excursion was seeing and learning about the floral clock. Something else I enjoyed was cleaning the deck of the Polly Woodside. So much fun! Harper Yek, 4PE 


My highlight was learning about how it was like to be a sailor back then. I learnt that it was hard and there was a lot of work to do and extremely dangerous jobs that had to be done. Salome Defreitas, 4CA


I totally enjoyed exploring Polly Woodside, especially when we went down the deck and had a go on the swinging rope. Hannah Louka, 4SF 

Year 5 Spiritual Retreat - Made In His Image

Danielle Lupi - Year 5 Team Leader

The gift of faith is a precious and treasured gift that can only be given by God. As parents and educators, we can provide the space and a safe and fruitful environment for our children to receive this glorious gift. With this hope, Year 5 dedicated a day to be still and allow God the opportunity to work. In the majestic bushlands of Currawong Park, the students participated in a spiritual retreat.  

In the morning, the students were separated into gender groups and reflected on the question, “What does the world say a girl/boy should be…? 


The students openly shared their experiences. Some comments included: 

  • Boys must not cry and instead be rugged and robust
  • Girls are sensitive and submissive; there are jobs only girls do (hairdresser, nurse)
  • Boys have more opportunities than girls. 

Focused questions were asked, and the children shared them in small groups. Then we inquired, “How does God see boys/girls…”. 


Here are some responses: 


“God has a very different perspective of what it means to be a boy. As a boy, we are supposed to care for others and help them. We can have emotions that the world says boys shouldn’t have, like crying. We have to use all our talents and gifts to help others. We were made to be stronger than girls, but that isn’t so we can boast or dominate. We use that gift to protect girls and to build them up.” Enoch 


“I think that God sees boys and girls equally, even if the world doesn’t. I also believe that he has made us to be companions for each other.” Genevieve 

The children were given a selection of scripture verses where they reflected in silence with God. They responded to God’s Word in whatever way they felt called to do. Some children made drawings and crosses out of branches, leaves and flowers. Some students made huts, collages, poems and treasure boxes. 


The afternoon brought the students back together for fun, team-building games and activities. Watching the children’s excitement when they saw each other again, and conversing so freely, kindly and joyfully was beautiful.  


The children reflected on what they would remember from the retreat: 


“After being at that Spiritual Retreat, I will remember... everything. I loved how we set aside a special day for God. But my favourite time was quiet time. For the first time, I felt the presence of God. He was talking to me. When I read those verses, I felt God giving the biggest hug in the world of hugs. It was an incredible experience, even better than Church. I will never forget it, even when I’m in heaven.” Enoch 


“I enjoyed drawing and praying to God, and I could hear him talking to me, telling me that I am safe. My verse was: Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17.” Winnie 


“I will forever remember being in God’s nature and presence and how lovely it was to listen and sit with God. I hope we can do this every year!” Eliza 

We pray that this retreat experience will bear much fruit throughout each child’s life. We hope the blessings will be a ripple effect over the world. May we all take time out to be still and allow God to soften and strengthen our hearts.