After School Care 

Term 1, Week 6 2023

Newsletter Friday 10th March 2023

New Adventure – St Augustines News

Term 1 week 6

Musicals, Creativity and Sustainability


Can you believe that we just completed week 6 already! We are over halfway through the term and the Easter Vacation Program is just about complete.

Musical week was a hit, we tried out a range of activities that linked to a different musical each day. It was a great opportunity to spark some conversation about the recently announced school production for the year, and the upcoming auditions for ‘The Wind in the Willows’.

But, of course ‘Matilda’ the musical still remains the current favourite amongst the children, with the songs on repeat all week! 

Our program this week revolved around all things creative and sustainable.

Here’s what the program had on offer:

Monday: Arts & Crafts

BSC- Create your own board game

ASC- Make your own binoculars

Tuesday: Music and Drama

BSC- Charades

ASC- Roll your own story

Wednesday: Science and Cooking

BSC- Bird feeders

ASC- Rainbow cereal

Thursday: Let’s Get Active

BSC- Poison Colour

ASC- Human Board Game


The bird feeders in particular were a hit and are now hanging outside the hall so that we can watch the birds as we play and eat our breakfast in the mornings.





Our Easter Vacation program will be open for booking on Friday 17th March.

We will be running a two week program from Tuesday 11th April until Friday 21st April. We have some exciting excursions booked in and look forward to some fun filled days at school too.


Following last weeks email and newsletter regarding our winter Vacation care program we had quite a lot of feedback from our school community.

We decided to send out a family survey to get a clear picture of what everyone would like our service to provide for them.

It seems that the majority of families will need to use the service in the winter holidays but are happy with a service based program so we WILL be opening.


There also seemed to be an overwhelming request for us to open at the end of term 4 in the week leading up to Christmas. Watch this space for more information on that !


Don’t forget to join our private family Facebook group for all our weekly updates 


We are looking for more educators at New Adventure. If you or someone you know would like more information on working with our amazing team at New Adventure email me at





 Don’t forget to join our private family Facebook group for all our weekly updates