From the Acting Principal

Ross Pritchard

I am pleased to report on several successful events that have occurred in the past fortnight.  The Auburn High community continues to thrive as it becomes fully immersed in on-campus school life.


The School Council elections have been completed with an outstanding group of parents nominating for the parent and student representative positions.  Congratulations to all members who were elected to Auburn High School’s School Council.  In addition, last night office bearers were nominated and our council is now ready for ongoing business and decision making.  Our council comprises:

  • Principal:  Ross Pritchard
  • Business Manager:  Joanne Hayes
  • President:  Sue Harambopoulos
  • Vice President:  Chintan Bharwada
  • Treasurer:  Joanna Giacomazzi
  • Parent Representatives:  Janine Arantas, Joanne Ryan and Catherine Krestyn
  • Staff Representatives:  Kristie Satilmis, Genevieve Papon
  • Student Representatives:  Ruby Robertson and Cayden Lange

I am looking forward to working with the Council to further develop our programs that make Auburn High School a government school of first choice for local families.


Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) 2023

Each year the staff and students set goals for achievement and progress.  This is represented in the 2023 AIP and it is guided by the school’s overall School Strategic Goals.


The 2023 AIP focuses on two overarching priorities:

  1. A sustained focus on student learning - with an increased focus on numeracy
  2. A continued focus on student wellbeing and student engagement.

As in 2022 our work will be guided by three goals, each with several key improvement strategies (KIS). Our School Strategic Goals are:


Goal 1

Challenging and improving the learning growth of every student.


Goal 2

To create empowered learners who act as autonomous agents for their own learning.


Goal 3

Develop students who feel socially and emotionally connected (and flourish) in their school community.


As we enter the final year of our 2020-23 Strategic Plan, we are preparing for a formal review process during term two and term three. This will provide an opportunity to celebrate our successes over the last four years, evaluate our programs, and set a strategy for 2024-2027. More information will follow as all groups within our community are consulted.


Just this week Peter Ryan, IB Coordinator and Leading Teacher Curriculum Years 10 – 12, and I have been to the 2023 Global International Baccalaureate conference in Adelaide.  We attended many interesting and impactful sessions and networked with some of the 1100 attendees from 36 different countries.  The focus was on inclusive education around the world and the sessions emphasised equality, equity, and the characteristics of a global citizen.  The presenters were engaging and inspirational in their fields of expertise and both Peter and I are excited to implement world best practice into programs across the whole school.  The IB provides a framework to supplement out local teaching philosophy and maintain school improvement through staff professional learning.


Last week we held a presentation ceremony for the 2022 graduates of the Brevet diploma.  The school was privileged to have many VIP guests, students, staff, and parents attend this joyous ceremony.

  • DET Deputy Secretary, Mr Stephen Fraser,
  • Conseiller de coopération et d’action culturelle/Counsellor for Culture, Science and Education, Mr Boris Toucas
  • Principal Camberwell Primary School, Ms Janet Gale
  • Principal Caulfield Junior College, Ms Caroline Pommier

Both Stephen and Boris spoke about the benefits of bilingual education on personal, social, and academic development.  Their presence and words reinforced their continued support and enthusiasm for our unique program.


The Primary School Principals, Jane and Caroline proudly interacted with our students who attended their schools.  In the results, 40% of our students completed the Brevet achieving a Tres Bien category.  This is compared with 29% of French domestic students.  The 2022 cohort have set the bar high for years to follow.


The Auburn High School swim team dominated the recent Division championships.  Our school won the overall competition for the fourth year in a row. We are fortunate to have a very impressive group of competitive swimmers, some of whom are managing large training loads and their academic studies.  See the sport article for more details.  Well done.


Finally, I would like to confirm some important dates for the remainder of the year.  These are days where students will not be attending on-campus learning.  


Each year our staff are allocated two professional practice days, and these are eLearning days for students:  

  • Monday April 24
  • Monday November 6  

Other student-free days where staff work on tasks associated with teaching and learning are:

  • Assessment and Reporting Days –Thursday June 15 (GAT day) and Friday November 17
  • Curriculum Day - Wednesday August 2