
End of Term tiredness 

End of term tiredness is a real thing!

What a wonderful term we have had so far! We are nearly there.

I thought it was timely for me to remind you that when we are tired our emotions become much more heightened. This is true for children and adults!


Please be mindful of your children's tiredness and make sure you have some rest times over the weekends and in the evenings. 

If your child is upset at home practice relfective listening. Let them share their experiences and listen sympathetically then assist them to have some down time, a bath, listen to some music or a cuddle. 


There are many online mindfulness activities that you can do with your child. They should all be able to share the purpose of mindfulness with you as we practice it daily.


Nearly there let's stay calm and work towards the end of the term. 


Have a great week everyone,

Rikki Winduss

Wellbeing Leader