Religious Education

Holy Week 

Merciful God, as we enter Holy week, turn our hearts again to Jerusalem, and to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Stir up within us the gift of faith that we may not only praise him with our lips, but may follow him in the way of the cross.



Holy Week

This week we begin Holy Week. On Sunday we celebratePalm Sunday: 

Palm Sunday: After 40 days and 40 nights Jesus came out of the desert. He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. People laid palm leaves and their jackets down on the ground. They greeted Jesus as their king. 

Celebrations of Faith 

As we enter Holy Week and the Easter period, the most important time in the Liturgical year we invite you to our celebrations of faith. 

Friday 31st March 9.15am: Whole School Mass

Thursday 6th April 9.15am: Stations of the Cross in the Church. 


First Communion Enrolment Mass

Enrolment Mass 2 is the weekend 22/23rd April 


A Stole is to be worn during the Sacraments.  The Stole can be individual to the child or a family Stole.  The Stole can be hand made or purchased through our supplier. 

HOLY BEGINNINGS supplies the Stoles for the Parish. An order form will be sent home with children. 

HOLY BEGINNINGS can be contacted directly if you wish to order your stole independently. 

Anita 0450 782 558 


To order these you can contact Anita and pay for the Stoles via direct deposit. 

ANZ bank

Anita M Hughes

BSB # 013-593

Account # 322691326


Please put child’s full name in the details.


Junior Legion of Mary


Can my “Yes” make a difference? Mary’s “Yes” at the age of about 15 changed the world. Consider the changes in your life if you say yes to her by working for her. She would not be asking you to take on anything that would be too difficult for you, only something that is good for you and someone else.


How the Legion can help you.


The Apostles prayed together and went out in pairs to bring the Good News to people. In the Junior Legion, this is also our way. Each week we reserve a time to pray, to go out and do some active work. This work is a great stepping stone for adult responsibilities by giving you the necessary experience in helping others, within a caring system.


What work can be done by juniors?


● Serve at Holy Mass

● Give out Miraculous Medals

● Help at home

● Visit the elderly at a nursing home

● Correspond with other Junior Legion Groups

● Encourage family members to pray the Rosary

● Help out at Parish functions

● Hand out bulletins before Mass

● Plus many more activities as requested by the Parish Priest.


We have fun raising money for different missions and charities. In May, we raised $805 by having a car wash which was great fun. Each school holidays we have a fun day and the past holidays we went to see “Minions: the Rise of Gru” then lunch followed by a fun play at Ballam Park.


If your child shows interest in joining the Legion we pray you will encourage that interest. We meet at St Anne’s Catholic Church Meeting Room each Saturday of the School Term at 4pm to 5pm and once a month stay on for the 6pm Mass. In-between we have pizzas. We encourage all families to be with us at Mass on that particular Saturday. All families are welcome to stay the hour with the children if they so choose.


Meeting Day: Saturdays during school term

Time: 4pm to 5pm

Place: St Anne’s Catholic Church Meeting Room


Leader of the Junior Legion at St Anne’s

Maureen Lim 

Ph: 0404 682 271