BYOD Program Review

In September this year, we conducted a review of our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program and we thank the students, parents and teachers for their participation.  The article below summarises the results and preliminary recommendations.



In 2013 a 1:1 iPad program was introduced in grades 4-6 using a co-purchase scheme, where the school co-funded the cost of iPads for students.  In 2014, the program was expanded to include grade 3 students.  This model was not financially sustainable, and in  2017 School Council introduced the current BYOD program, continuing with iPads as the preferred device. 


The school continues to fund class-sets of iPads for students in Prep-Year 2.


Throughout the 8 years of a 1:1 program, professional development has been provided for teachers, focussing on using iPads for the creation of understanding, demonstration of thinking and also providing support for students with additional learning needs.


In September this year we conducted a review which aimed to seek student, teacher and parent views of the current BYOD iPad program, now in its fourth year of implementation. It sought to answer the following questions:

  1. Does access to a student’s own device provide for a positive learning experience?
  2. Is there a view that providing access to a student’s own device helps prepare them for the future?
  3. Are necessary protocol in place to keep students safe online and informed of their responsibilities in owning their own device?
  4. Is an iPad still the right device for the future?






Participant numbers




Summary Findings

Student Survey

Students feel broadly positive about the iPad BYOD program with 70% of students agreeing or strongly agreeing with the statement, “Overall, I believe a 1:1 iPad program is a positive thing for my learning”. The majority of students find learning more interesting with an iPad and feel the program prepares them for the future. Students report feeling safe online and with a clear understanding of the school rules for usage.  Qualitative responses suggest consideration of an alternative device with a keyboard could be given.  Student responses also suggest restriction of time on an iPad in favour of traditional modes of learning. 


Teacher Survey

100% of teachers surveyed view a 1:1 device program as a positive tool for learning.  The majority of teachers surveyed believe students to be more empowered, engaged and motivated in their own learning because of access to their own device.  39% of teachers are interested in further PD to support new and innovative ways to use devices for learning.  60% of teachers agree or strongly agree with the statement, “I feel there are adequate safeguards, procedures, and guidelines in place to keep the students from misusing iPads during school time” (7% disagree, 33% neutral).  Whilst 53% of teachers would prefer to continue with iPads as the BYOD device, equal numbers prefer Chromebooks or don’t mind (27% Chromebook and 20% without an opinion)


Parent Survey

Parents are broadly in favour of the 1:1 device program, including measures of engagement, and preparing students for the future, with 60% of parents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “Overall, I  believe a 1:1 device program is a positive thing for my child's learning”.  (22% disagree/strongly disagree and 18% neutral).  Qualitative responses suggest consideration of an alternative device with a keyboard and restriction of time on an iPad in favour of traditional modes of learning.  Qualitative and quantitative responses also suggest further support and guidance could be provided by the school to support iPad usage at home and to provide information about how iPads are used in the classroom to enhance learning.  When given the choice of device for the 1:1 program, 41% selected iPad, 12% Chromebook, 30% without opinion and 17% “other”, where comments were entirely advocating for laptop/chromebook technology that allowed for touch typing skills and a cheaper purchase price. 



  1. 1:1 device program to continue due to majority positive views from students, teachers and parents.
  2. Further support and guidance to be provided by the school to support iPad usage and safety at home.
  3. Further information about how iPads are used in the classroom to enhance learning to be provided to parents.
  4. Consideration of alternative devices for the program moving forward

These recommendations have been presented to School Council and we are currently in the process of evaluating alternative devices as future students join the program.  


A decision has also been made to delay the BYOD program for 2021 until Term 3 of next year due to issues in securing supply of devices due to COVID-19.  Further details will be communicated to the 2021 grade 3 families (ie our current grade 2 families).


Karen Dileo