All articles published week beginning  2 November 2020

Year 7

This week is kindness week. The Year 12 Service Captains are getting behind this initiative and developing activities for all Homerooms. We are excited to see Year 7 involved in this, acting with generosity, empathy and concern for others. As an Anglican school, this is one of our key values and we are looking forward to exploring this as a cohort. 


In addition to this, it is also exam week. The Leaders of Wellbeing are here to support all students through this new process. We want to remind all students that exams are the school’s way of preparing our students for the future. Please find the Year 7 exam timetable attached.


Throughout Week 3, each Homeroom undertook the challenge of investigating their House patron, crest and motto. It was a very interesting activity for the Year 7 cohort, and they learnt a lot of information about the people for whom their Houses are named. 


Be kind, good luck and happy Week 4.

Justin Buckley | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 7 Fox and Stanley House

Lauren Kelly | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 7 

Browning and Sheppard House 

Elizabeth Passlow | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 7 

Fox and Stanley House 

Year 8

Welcome to the Week 4 edition of our Year 8 report for Term 4. During our wellbeing time this fortnight, we have focused on everyday leadership - the concept that anyone has the ability to lead no matter the circumstance or their position/title. Being a leader at home by assisting family members, helping friends to make positive choices or avoid negative ones, or being a role model in appearance and behaviour at school are all ways that every one of our students can be a leader. I have spoken with many of the Year group about a number of broad issues of late:

  • Finishing the year well, particularly in subjects that are not being continued in Year 9. Nothing has changed in our expectations - every student deserves the opportunity to learn in each subject.
  • The importance of valuing friendships, even in the face of budding relationships. While relationships may seem to be particularly important to those within them at various times of teenage life, it is friendships that are more likely to be lasting and are the important sources of support that may be required when times get tough.
  • Looking after yourself and allowing those close to you to be sources of support. I use the line regularly - that parents are just doing the best that they can, but can only make decisions based on the information that they have. I encourage our Year 8s to always be as honest as they can to help assist you in supporting them. As we approach the end of the year, it is common for stress and anxiety to mix with lower levels of energy, leading to decreased mental health. It is particularly important that our kids feel comfortable enough to talk to someone when they don’t feel okay.

We am always happy to discuss your child’s progress via email, phone, or face-to-face. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Luke Richardson | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 8

Jennifer Jenkins | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing - of Year 8

Year 9

The school term is moving quickly, exams have arrived and we’re nearly half-way!


This week has been exam week for our junior students. It has been great to hear the conversations around the place of how students have been preparing and peers assisting each other to solve problems. In the week leading up to exams we used our wellbeing time to plan our study efforts and establish time management. Once exams are finished we’ll use the opportunity to reflect on the year and our approach to learning. What has worked well? How could we do even better?


The warmer weather is here and wearing a hat is necessary, especially for our Thursday afternoon sport days. The correct wearing of the school uniform is proving difficult for some students to achieve – this includes tying long hair back and tucking shirts in. Whilst it may feel like the school year is finishing with the conclusion of exams there is still learning to be completed in class until the last week of school.


Notable mentions for academic commendations received on Compass in the past four weeks; Dionisa Gendy, Tyson Gentle

Sophie Munday, Seisha Passlow, Katherine Scott and Hunter White. Whilst the awards aren’t able to be placed on the fridge please use them to congratulate your child when you see them and have a conversation with them about their success.


Next week the IB CAS students have organised a colour run for sport in Week 5 to support the BrAshA-T foundation. Students will need to wear a white shirt and old shorts for this activity and have been asked to bring a gold coin donation.


Have a great week. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact myself or Mr Mannion.

Emma Smith | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 9

Issac Mannion | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing -  Year 9

Year 10

Year 10 have been diligently completing their examinations this week. It has been lovely observing how respectful and organised they have been whilst sitting their examinations. 


The end of the year is fast approaching and, hopefully, the school holidays will offer some time for you as a family to enjoy pursuits that you and your children can participate in together. 


I am busy working on a different program for Year 10 toward the end of the term.  It is currently a puzzle and how it looks will be communicated once we can confirm arrangements. Students are reminded that remaining focused until all learning is completed is important and behavioural expectations are still in place. 

Meegan Johnson | Leader of Wellbeing -  Year 10

Trevor Dawson | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing -  Year 10

Year 12


Year 12 completed a Study Audit in Homeroom. This task was designed to identify the areas of study which students found challenging. It was no surprise that many students found the motivation to study and time management areas of concern. Next week Homeroom teachers will show/identify a variety of ways for students to motivate themselves to begin and maintain a strong schedule of study.


Year 12 have been each issued with two Assessment Planners for Term 4. In Homeroom the students were given time to schedule their assessment dates on one of the planners. The second planner is to keep at home either in their rooms, kitchen or lounge room where it is visible by other members of the family for further support. 


The Assessment booklet for Year 12 has now been finalised. 2021 Assessment Booklet HSC. Please read this document carefully as it outlines procedures for misadventure, illness and all NESA requirements. Mr Anthony Heffer met with Year 12 to further discuss the document. If there are any additional questions regarding NESA requirements please contact either Mr Anthony Heffer or us.


Congratulations to the following students who have received commendations this fortnight:


Inigo Bardos

Hannah Billett

Nathan Bloor 

Mia Bowcher

George Carn 

Charlotte Collins

Grace Flagg

Isabel Fuller

Megan Hardy

Ingrid Holzapfel

Georgia Hugler

Zoe Jenkins

Roni Kadmon-Jones

Jack Lloyd

Bianca Lubke 

Miles Martin

Ella Newton

Flynn Packer

Shema Poleka

Alex Price

Kynan Smith

Harrison Thomas

Josephine Wakeling

Liam Whiting

Charlotte Wickson

Jessica Woodland


Until next time 

Why do plants hate maths?

Because it gives them square roots.

Amall Liakatos | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 12

Kelly Bowen | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing - of Year 12