Reflection in 5B

By Ivana Krsteska - Level 5 Assistant Team Leader

In 5B, we understand that reflection is a very important aspect of self-improvement and growth! We always take the time to pause and think about our learning. We have realised that currently there are many different reflective tools and this can feel a little overwhelming! As a result, we collaborated and created our own class reflection structure. We are very proud to share our journey with the school community.


Step 1. Understanding what reflection means to me.


Step 2. Brainstorm what reflection means to us as a class.


Step 3. Develop a draft structure in groups of 6!


Step 4.Collate student ideas in a survey and vote!


Step 5. Place the results on an anchor chart as our final structure!


Step 6. Develop exemplars for each one. Now we know exactly how to reflect for each subject!