Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community


As the prevalence of Covid 19 reduces across our state , so some of our school practices are beginning to take on some normality. Our students in Year Three and Four are doing their final preparations for receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, and the Sacrament of Confirmation will be received in the early part of the 2021 school year. Our Year Five/Six students have finally been given permission by our Chief Health Officer to go on camp, and we have been fortunate to acquire a booking for the last three days of this school year. That great "institution" the Bunnings BBQ has also been given the seal of approval, and we are incredibly fortunate to have been offered the position to hold the first bbq on Saturday 5th December. If you have a spare hour to help out on the day please contact Jenny who is organising the roster.


Year Prep Class of 2021 Transition Session 1


Today our Year Prep students for 2021 had their first transition session with Bethany. Following the Covid 19 protocols, they came in small groups for an hour with their mum or dad. If this first session is anything to go by, they are going to be another sensational group of students in our school. They all followed directions, showed independence and most importantly, seemed to enjoy their first session at our school. They were so settled that their parents were able to leave them for the vast majority of the session. We look forward to them all coming back for their second session in the coming weeks.



School Photos

A reminder that our school photos will take place next Thursday 26th October. The new Covid 19 protocols announced over the previous weeks allow individual photography to take place. The normal class photo from previous years is not allowed with the current protocols, so the class photo will be a composition of the student's individual photos.

We ask that all our students wear their proper summer uniform for the photos.


Important information regarding your orders and payment

Your individual order forms were sent home in Term 1.  If you placed an order on-line, you do not need to do this again.  If you are unsure if you placed an order on-line, please log in with your email address to check your order history. If you are unable to check your order history, please telephone SchoolPix direct on 1300 778 987.

If you placed an order and returned it to the class teacher, you do not need to re-write your order.  If you are unsure if you have sent your order to school please email the school office at We will check our list and reply to your email.



During this past week traffic officers have been patrolling Clifton Grove at school dismissal time, ensuring that all parents are abiding with the traffic regulations. Whilst we have not asked for the traffic officers, we are concerned with the number of parents double parking illegally and the increased risk of one of our school community members being hit. My understanding is that some cars whether they be Parade parents or Sacred Heart parents, were photographed on Tuesday and Wednesday evening.I ask that all parents and guardians show patience of an evening, and ensure that you follow the traffic rules that are implemented to keep us all safe.



We have a couple of positions available for Year Prep in 2021 as a result of one enrolled student having another year at kindergarten and another family of an enrolled student doing a tree change due to Covid 19. If you have any friends, relatives or neighbours who live in the area who are still seeking a placement for their child next year in Year Prep, please do not hesitate to recommend Sacred Heart. We also have some limited places in other year levels.



Please take care



Yours Sincerely

Mark Tierney
