Arts/Tech News 

Outstanding design results in Year 12 VCD

For one of the major components of the Unit 3 and 4 Study Design for Visual Communication Design (VCD), students are required to write a brief that proposes and defines two distinct communication needs of their choice, for a real or an imaginary client. It is then the student's task to fulfill the constraints of the brief, showing their ability to excel in VCD knowledge and skills, both manually and digitally using creative, critical and reflective thinking strategies to guide then to the best solutions. Students are also required to annotate their progress using VCD terminology as they go.  


Despite the COVID restrictions and lockdown, the Unit 3/4 VCD students have been in constant contact with their teacher, Ms Cilia and this has helped them complete this work during lock-down. 


Students have been researching, generating ideas, developing and refining their VCD Folio on the computer and in the case of Pinindu Wickramanayake (maker of the Electric Car recharge station), buying extra supplies on the internet and waiting patiently for Australia Post to deliver so that he could make his models.  


The photographs that you see here are of the final presentations that our creative group of very talented VCD students have presented this year. 


Leslie Cilia

VCD Teacher


Congratulations to all the students in the class for their outstanding folios.