The Class of 2020



In a short time, another generation of students will confront the final test of secondary education. The result of which will influence the path each will follow into their tomorrows and beyond. Their journeys will be influenced by a true compass gifted in early life by parents and teachers to guide them in seeking further knowledge, mastering social skills, discipline and respect for humanity to mention just a few.


Like other generations before them, they have already been exposed to trials of disappointment and the unexpected. All of which require humour, confidence and above all, the resilience to endure and keep going forward. History records such unwanted and demanding tests, which if not managed can destroy any dreams. Thus, it is critical to learn from such actions where previous generations, despite obstacles, kept going forward. One classic example are those who were infants during WW1, experienced the Great Depression as youths then as adults stood tall in WW2. To confirm their toughness, resilience and determination to create reality from dreams, early post WW2, they became an example to the entire world of what could be achieved.


Today’s class of 2020 in a year of significant drama and disruptions, (thanks to COVID 19) face the final exams less prepared than intended. Nevertheless, the students have the determination to succeed. Their greatest weapon to ensure success now and in future years is that they will have confronted adversity and won. It has made them more determined, stronger and more confident of what can be achieved.  Equally they have set the example for all those who follow in their footsteps.


The ovations and respect for the class of 2020 will be from far and wide, and if you, the students listen carefully, you will hear the ANZACs cheering too. Have a good life, young cobbers.





Australia salutes the Class of 2020 and those who made it so


Do you recall the day when you first heard the school bell

So many strangers and a teacher with magic stories to tell

Now the time has come, at long, long last 

All those hours, days and weeks of learning in the past 

This is the big week for you to meet the final test 

Mid busy pens, ticking clocks and no time for rest

Now, young mates, a reminder of the golden rules 

To help you pass the post on the last day of school 


Don’t rush in where angels fear to tread or ride 

Read the questions carefully before you decide 

Blank mind? Don’t panic, think, and search the past 

Dates, equations, names, ding dong; a solution at last 

Be calm, stay the course, self- discipline is the key 

Careful, one problem at a time, never two and three 

No solution; go to the next question on the paper 

If stumbling, never waste time; answers may come later

Don’t dawdle, be deliberate, check and then move on 

If you finish early, don’t gloat or prepare a victory song 

Go back, check your work, to see if anything is wrong 


As you leave for a new phase of life in your tomorrows

Never ever forget the rules you learnt at school to follow 

Be proud of who you are how it came to be 

In a land of freedom and choice of life for all to see 

There are more lessons of life to find in following years 

Some will come with joy, and others will bring tears  

There may come a day, you’ll again hear the school bell ring

As to a familiar place of learning, your child will you bring 


George Mansford © October 2020