Performing Arts

As we make our way through this final term of 2020, one of the highlights is welcoming students back to onsite learning and co-curricular rehearsals where it is possible. Most importantly our Senior Rock Band have been able to meet and practise again, and are preparing their final performances in COVID-safe formats. We look forward to celebrating their last week of formal classes with them!


We look forward to the return of students from Years 8-10, and we have planned in person Lunchtime meetings for our Choir and Concert Band. While they can't play or sing as yet, they can catch up with each other. The older students in Concert Band can finally meet our new Year 7 members. These girls are focussing on learning their instruments remotely using various websites and digital platforms, and in our regular meetings they will be able to share ideas and resources, and get teacher help and support as they continue to practice at home.


Our new Play Ukelele! Club can meet onsite, and will be rehearsing each Friday at Lunch. We will be focussing on learning Christmas carols in preparation for the upcoming festive season.


And finally, our instrumental teachers look set to continue teaching online for the foreseeable future, and we thank them for their continued engagement with our students, and for the flexibility in a challenging time.


As always if there are any queries relating to the instrumental lessons or ensembles program please feel free to contact me at the College or via email:


Mari Eleanor - Co-ordinator