Co-curricular - Junior Sport

It was great to see and hear of the success of the Junior School Summer sport teams over the past weekend. The Junior School had some magnificent results and certainly started Term 4 on a positive note. What was more pleasing were the reports from coaches, including one opposition coach, on the sportsmanship displayed by our students. Well done gentlemen!


I would like to highlight the Prep H Basketball side for their outstanding effort last weekend. At the beginning of the game it became quite obvious that the team was faced with an opposition that was not equal to the standard of our boys. The score quickly blew out in favour of St Patrick’s and it looked like a very unflattering score would be the result. To the credit of our boys, they began to hang back down the court to give their opposition the opportunity to transition to a scoring scenario. Not only this, but players purposely gave the ball away to the opposition and encouraged them to keep playing and work hard.


A special mention must go to Jack Gittany of 6 White. Realising that the opposition had one player who was struggling to get involved in the game, Jack passed him the ball at one point to give him an opportunity to participate. The opposition coach was extremely thankful for this kind gesture and specifically went out of his way to let me know. A fantastic effort Jack! You have certainly let your light shine and have been an exceptional example of our Touchstone of Inclusive Community.


The Prep H Basketball team offers us a lived example of how and why sport should be played. It is a place to challenge and be challenged. An opportunity to grow and assist others to grow. Most importantly, it is a place to share and come together and enjoy the company of others. Something, I think, we have all missed this year.


A quick reminder to parents that we are still asking parents to remain off campus. In the afternoons, if you are picking up your son after training, I would ask you to please remain in your cars and the boys will be dismissed to you at the conclusion of training. 


John Locke

Junior School Coordinator of Co-curricular


Junior Sport Fixtures

Click here for the latest Junior Sport fixtures.