ATSI News 

NAIDOC Week 2020

This year’s theme particularly emphasises the fact that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were not only the first people to inhabit Australia but continue to do so. This makes their/our culture the oldest enduring culture in the world, continuing for at least 50 000 years. Furthermore, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were the first farmers, navigators, astronomers, politicians, lawmakers, and first explorers of Australia. They were and continue to be, the First Nations People of this country. Australia Was and Always Will Be, Aboriginal Land.


During NAIDOC Week (Week 5) students undertook the following activities:

  • Acknowledgment of County, each morning in Mentor Group.
  • Rock Art.
  • Viewing of – “In my blood it runs”.
  • Year Group Assemblies and Yarning Circle activity - Ribbon reflection of the significance of NAIDOC and this year's theme, Always was, Always will be. These ribbons have all being tied to a wireframe which forms the Aboriginal Flag.
  • Staff morning tea.

Full photo gallery is on our Facebook page.

Miss Kara Spicer, Ms Lisa Smith,  Ms Madeleine Simmonds-Cutts & Ms Mel Lamb

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Team