Humanities News

Mr David O’Brien - Curriculum Leader (Humanities)

Year 9 Geography Excursion to Brisbane CBD

The Year 9 Geography students recently travelled to the Brisbane CBD to undertake some fieldwork relating to urban environments and the functionality of Public Places.


The students undertook fieldwork activities in both King George Square and Post Office Square with both proving to be excellent outdoor classrooms. 


Throughout the excursion, the students actively participated in data collection and analysis activities including a site and sustainability survey. They surveyed the square's visitors and documented their observations on use of public places in the Brisbane CBD.  This hands-on approach not only deepened their understanding of the subject matter but also honed their data collection and analysis skills, essential for future geographical investigations. The students also engaged in thought-provoking discussions and activities, allowing them to witness firsthand the practical aspects of urban planning and sustainability.


The excursion to the Brisbane CBD was a valuable learning experience for our Year 9 Geographers. On return to school, they will write a report assessing the current use and functionality of King George Square, and propose an action to enhance its functionality.

Year 10 Geography Excursion to Sandgate Foreshore

The Year 10 Geography students visited the Sandgate Foreshore on the 8th of May to investigate the impact of climate change and rising sea levels on coastal communities.

The students actively engaged in data collection and analysis activities including surveys of land use in the area and using a dumpy level to survey land height and possible impacts of sea-level rise in the streets surrounding the foreshore.  They conducted surveys to assess public perceptions of coastal management practices and documented their observations on the potential impacts of climate change on the foreshore. This hands-on approach not only enhanced their geographical skills but also fostered a deeper understanding of the social, economic, and environmental aspects of sustaining coastal communities.


The excursion to the Sandgate Foreshore provided the Year 10 Geography students with a valuable opportunity to witness firsthand the challenges faced by coastal communities and the strategies employed to ensure their sustainability. The students will now prepare a written report and will visually represent the data they collected using a variety of geo-spatial technologies.