Curricular Arts News

Ms Christine Larsen - Curriculum Leader The Arts

Visual Art Excursion

It was a rainy Tuesday in Week 6 and 27 Visual Art students accompanied by 3 teachers ventured off for a walking tour along the Riverwalk from New Farm to Howard Smith Wharves to photograph and document the sights of Brisbane City and surrounds. Although the city was covered in a haze from the rain, there were still many photo opportunities along the walk which the students will be utilising in their upcoming mixed-media artwork, based on the intersection of the natural and urban environment. The final stop was the Museum of Brisbane at City Hall to view two exhibitions, “Making Place: 100 views of Brisbane” which will also inform their mixed-media piece and “Clay: Collected Ceramics”  which aligns with their current task of creating a ceramic spherical form.

Creative Industries Week

Creative Industries week is a week-long event, coming up in Week 7, which sees the Music, Drama, Visual Art and FTV departments join forces to celebrate the Arts at MCA. Students across all year levels, can experience a “taste” of the Arts and participate in the many activities and workshops and enjoy the range of entertainment on offer at first break each day. For Drama, they will be able to learn how professional performers stage realistic fights, engage in modern puppeteering or join in on an improvisation game. For Visual Art, there will be a live paint session by street artist Sarah Sculley in the yard when the DJ boys will also be playing, as well as a screenprinting workshop, where they will be able to print a design onto a calico bag. FTV will be showing student films in the Draney and the Music Department will be running music producing and songwriting workshops and the winners of Battle of the Bands will be playing on the Friday in the music forecourt.

ASHCam 2023

Finally,  a reminder to get your ASHCam entries in by Monday 29 May. The competition is open to all members of the college community and there are a number of prizes on offer. Winners will be announced at the conclusion of Creative Industries Week on Friday 2 June (please see attached poster for further information.