Primary School News

Mr Michael Connolly, Head of Primary School

Dear Primary Parents,

Next week in the Primary School, we will celebrate our Well-being Week. Our Primary Pastoral Leader, Mr Anthony Graham, has been working hard with our teachers and staff to ensure that there are plenty of opportunities for all students and staff to take part in activities designed to enhance their feeling of well-being. There is much evidence to suggest that well-being plays a critical role in our lives every day. Encouraging positive relationships among students, teachers, and staff creates a sense of belonging and promotes a supportive community. Positive relationships contribute to better social skills, empathy, and conflict-resolution abilities.


In addition, students who have a positive sense of well-being are more likely to perform well academically. When students feel safe, supported, and engaged in their school environment, they are better able to focus on their studies and achieve their full potential. By focusing on well-being, we help create an environment that supports our students' emotional and mental health and can help them cope with stress, anxiety and other challenges they may face.


In the Primary School, it is vital that every boy feels safe, valued and supported. If there are ever times when this is not the case, your son’s classroom teacher or our Pastoral Leader should be the initial support person for him if he is experiencing difficulties. On no fewer than four occasions over the last week, our Primary boys have been present when their role in standing up for themselves or others was explained very clearly to them. 

It is my expectation that our boys put these words into action for the good of all boys here in the Primary School. 

Primary Mass

A reminder that we have asked all boys to arrive at school by 7:45am on Wednesday this week so that we can celebrate Mass in the Chapel together at 8:00am. Thanks in advance for getting the boys here for this special occasion.

Jen Little – Primary Learning Leader


Assessment Calendars

Earlier this term, I emailed the assessment calendars to all parents and students. They were also made available on the Portal. Please note the minor change to the scheduling of the Year 5 Mathematics Exam which has been moved from Tuesday and Wednesday of Week 8 to Monday and Wednesday of Week 8.

Academic Care

Over the last few weeks, I have met with a number of students to reflect on their academic grades from last term and discuss strategies for improvement. All students across Primary have set goals and identified strategies to improve their learning. Please remember the following opportunities and resources available to all boys in the Primary:

  • One Note Revision and Consolidation Resources – provided by every classroom teacher. 
  • Mathematics Online Program for all Primary Students
  • Write that Essay Online Tool – all Year 6 students
  • Library Pages provide a wealth of resources to assist students with study, revision and additional reading
  • Before School Morning Study – available everyday 8:00am-8:30 am
  • Writing Tutoring – available each Thursday morning from 8:00am–8:30am

Boys are given ample opportunities and encouragement at Marist to assist with their learning. It is up to them to embrace these opportunities wholeheartedly in order to achieve growth and reach their complete potential. 


Nathan Wallis – Neuroscience Education 

Marist College Ashgrove is fortunate to have secured Nathan Wallis to present to our parent community on Wednesday 14 June at 5:30pm. Nathan is a neuroscience educator who will discuss with us everything about the teen brain. Keep an eye out for further details and booking information.


Nathan Wallis - 'The Teen Brain', Ashgrove, Wednesday 14 June 2023, 5:30pm - 7:00pm AEST | Humanitix


Event Description

Nathan Wallis is a grandfather of three, father of three and foster father to many more. His professional background includes early childhood teacher, child therapist, social service manager, university lecturer and neuroscience trainer.  He has developed a reputation as a lively and engaging speaker who uses humour and plain language to make this complex topic come to life.


Covid has put all of us in an unpredictable environment and this has added layers of complexity to an already complex time of life - especially for children and teens already dealing with issues around anxiety and depression. During adolescence, parts of the teenage brain are “shut for renovations”. This is the part of the brain responsible for regulating the teenager’s moods, for understanding consequences, maintaining focus and for thinking about the well-being of others. And the ‘teen’ years can start as early as 9 and end anywhere from 18 to 32 years of age!


However, the good news is that there are clear tips and practices from the research that can help and enhance our teen’s ability (and yours) to cope with this tricky time and minimise the stress for everyone. Understanding the changes that are taking place will help you to navigate successfully these important and formative years.


Marist College Ashgrove would like to extend a warm welcome to the parents of MCA, Mt St Michaels and Stuartholme to join us for an evening listening to Nathan present on ‘The Teen Brain’. Nathan will share strategies with participants to achieve better relationships and better outcomes for the children and teens we work and/or live with!

Pastoral Leader Primary School – Mr Anthony Graham 

It was great to see so many faces bright and early on Sunday morning participating in the College Walkathon. The boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves and it provided another opportunity to build that sense of community and belonging to this wonderful College. It was also great to see boys walking with their parents/guardians and spending quality time with their loved ones. A reminder that donations don’t close for another two weeks so plenty more time to wrangle up a few more dollars. We still have squishy balls; sporting balls; raffle tickets; as well as the exclusive – Assistant Head of Primary School prize for the most amount of money raised! Who knows, the winner may convince Mr Connolly to make holidays go for longer!


A special shout out to Callum Nowers (Year 6) and Harry Burnett-Nudd (Year 5) who won best dressed on the day. 


Lunchtime Activities

The boys have been busy creating and implementing a variety of student-led lunchtime activities. These are held across the week in a variety of different locations and provide structured games/activities for the boys to participate in. At last Tuesday’s assembly, I encouraged students to try new activities and skills and to build new friendships by trying something new. These clubs and activities are outside the use of the oval, handball courts, library, basketball + cricket nets, as well as accessing the primary quadrangle to sit. As a recap: 

  • Monday – Chess competition
  • Tuesday – Pokemon trading
  • Wednesday – Drama club 
  • Thursday – Trivia + t-shirt designing. 
  • Friday – t-shirt designing. 

*Garden club operates every day during 2nd break 


Primary Wellbeing Week

In Week 7, the primary students and staff will be celebrating Well-being Week. The week provides an opportunity for students to check in on their mental health and participate in a variety of activities that can help improve their mental well-being. The library has done an incredible job at organising an array of fun and exciting activities that the boys can participate in. There will also be some fun staff vs student activities over the course of the week. If the boys see staff members doing pushups or wall sits in the staffroom, it may be to do with the activities that we have planned for staff!

Monday - Yoga
The boys will be introduced to the gentle benefits of yoga. They will be immersed in soft candlelight, soothing music and the heady fragrance of essential oil. During savasana, they will be given an essential oil-soaked eye mask to help them relax fully.
Tuesday - You are Awesome
The boys will have an opportunity to select from a variety of worksheets to complete. They will need to engage in some self-reflecting and dive deeply into who they are as people.
Wednesday - Mindful Colouring
A wonderful selection of colouring sheets will be available for the boys to enjoy. We shall have essential oils diffusing and some relaxing music for them to enjoy.
Thursday - Gratitude Day
We shall have a discussion with the boys about gratitude and how happiness is a superpower. The boys will be encouraged to think about someone who they are grateful to have in their life. They will then write a letter to that person telling them why they are appreciated, and how having that person has made a difference to them. 
Friday - Meditation
The boys will be introduced to the gentle art of meditation and learn the benefits of how it can help them in moments of stress. They will be taken through guided meditation in the scented and dimly lit reading room.


Round Robin Debating Competition

The second round of the Round Robin Debating competition had both teams arguing that “All families should own a pet”.


Both the affirmative and the negative team presented very strong arguments with notable points. Their rebuttals were sharp and pertinent, and as a result, both teams were victorious on the night.


Speaker of the Night certificates were awarded to Adu Sudheesh and Jack Donohue for their efforts during the debate.


Well done to both teams and we look forward to our final evening of debating on Tuesday 30 May.


Public Speaking

Last Tuesday night was round two for our Year 5 public speakers.  This time, boys presented speeches about homework, mobile phones, school camps, favourite novels and chickens.  The boys are working hard, giving up their lunch times to practice and are improving in their ability to prepare and present a speech in front of an audience. The speaker of the night was Jonathon Lutkic who spoke about adopting pets from the RSPCA. Our final round is next week and we wish the boys ongoing success.

Primary Sport - Mr John Lambourne – Head of Sport (Primary)


Congratulations Will Berry (6R), Tom Cross (6R) and Tate Miles (6G) who have been selected to represent Met North (11-12 Years) Rugby Union at the State Championships to be held 27 – 30 July.


AIC Cross Country

AIC Cross Country Meet #3

Wednesday, 24 May – Curlew Park, Shorncliffe


Students will be transported to and from the meet via bus.

Staff will supervise students on the bus.

Depart: 3:00pm (Marist Bus Stop)

Students are to get changed at second break and leave class at 2:55pm.

Return: 5:30pm (Marist Bus Stop)


Uniform: Boys are to dress in their Marist blue training shirt, Marist sports shorts and Marist sport socks, boys are to wear a Marist athletics singlet while competing.


AIC cross country meets are open to all students who wish to qualify for the AIC Cross Country Championships. Meets are run as time trials.


AIC Cross Country Championships – Wednesday, 31 May – Curlew Park, Shorncliffe


Cross Country Training

Due to Wednesday cross country meets, training will now be Monday and Friday mornings only, meet at 6:45am @ MCA pool.


Rugby Union





College App

Please ensure that you download the College App. This app will be used weekly to inform you of sporting fixtures, cancellations, and bus arrival information.


Pick-up Arrangements - “Plan B”

It is important that you are aware of your son’s pick-up procedure if sports training is cancelled or if you are running late.


As soon as a decision is made to cancel a sporting fixture or training, a message is placed on the College app.


If training is cancelled boys can remain in the primary school or walk to an arranged pick-up-point when the time arrives.


Sport training sessions finish normally finish by 4:45pm. We ask that boys are picked up at this time, or soon after. Any boy who is still at their training venue at 5:00pm will be directed to the Boarding Reception area so that he may be collected from there.


In the case of bus arrivals, boys will be sent to Boarding Reception 15 minutes after the arrival time of the bus.


Sports Photographs

We are always on the lookout for photos and action shots to be used for the Blue & Gold, other College publications, season or end-of-year wrap-ups etc. Please follow this link and add your photos. 


Marist College Ashgrove Primary Sports Photos