Learning and Teaching News

Ms Jennifer Smeed and Mrs Roxanne Rosenberg

Save the Date! - Subject Information Evening

As per the College calendar, the Year 10 2024 and Year 11 2024 Subject Information night will be held on Tuesday 30 May. A letter to current Year 9 and 10 parents will be emailed home in the coming weeks with timelines around the 2023 subject selection process.

Nathan Wallis – Neuroscience Education 

Marist College Ashgrove is fortunate to have secured Nathan Wallis to present to our parent community on Wednesday 14 June at 5:30pm. Nathan is a neuroscience educator who will discuss with us everything about the teen brain. Keep an eye out for further details and booking information.




Year 12 Academic Meetings

Year 12 Academic Interviews commence this week. These interviews are for Year 12 students and their parents. Your son’s progress will be discussed, alongside fielding any questions you may have in planning for their post-school pathways. These interviews are for both ATAR and non-ATAR eligible boys.


Please refer to the email sent last Thursday for instructions on how to book these interviews. If you are having difficulty or have any questions, please contact curriculum@marash.qld.edu.au.

Year 11 Reporting

The Year 11 cohort have finished exam block now.  Unit 1 reports will be released at the end of Week 7.


Please note that boys are able to change subjects up to and including Wednesday 7 June (Week 8).  Please come to the academic care office and collect a subject change form if required.

Marist Reading Night

Last week we held the Marist Reading Night with guest author, Lance Peatey.  It was a wonderful event with over 200 people in attendance.  It was lovely to see the boys reading alongside their father or significant male and sharing a slice of pizza.


A huge thank you to Lance for sharing with us his reading journey and how his love of books have taken him all over the world.

Year 10 – SET Planning for Year 11 2024

Our Year 10 students are currently working on the preliminary work for SET planning in Workplace Skills lessons. I encourage parents/carers of our Year 10 students to engage in conversation with your young men, to assist their forward planning. The subject selection evening mentioned above will be the official start of this process, but we encourage students and families to start investigating future pathways and what may need to happen to allow them to get there. Again, a letter will be sent home to parents outlining the subject selection process. 

Tutoring at the College

Tutoring at the College is available for all students, and outlined below are faculties where your son can receive assistance.






Every morning




Tuesday/Thursday (General Science)

Wed-Friday (Chemistry)


Science Foyer




Art rooms


Every morning




Year 11 Tuesday morning

Year 12 Friday mornings



*Other faculties by appointment with classroom teacher.


Additionally, the CLE run touch-base tutoring for specific students in the College. For more information, contact CLE@marash.qld.edu.au 


If you would like an external tutor, please find a list of Old Boy tutors here.

Senior Library Hours

Our senior library is open from 7:30am every morning until 5:00pm Monday-Thursday. It closes at 3:30pm on Fridays. 


Your son is encouraged to head to the library before and/or after school to complete his homework or study, free from the distractions at home.

Study Hall

Year 12 Night Study Sessions

The Night Study Sessions are weekly study times available to Year 12 students who wish to work in collaboration with their peers for assessment, complete revision, revisit classwork or work on external exam preparation. 


When: Every Wednesday during term time from 5:00pm-8:00pm

Where: Senior Library

Who: 2023 Year 12s only


  • Current ID card is to be presented on arrival
  • All students must sign in and out of the library
  • All standard library rules are to be followed (including no eating)
  • Normal student behaviour expectations apply; if these cannot be met, boys will be prohibited from returning to future sessions
  • Students are free to wear full College uniform or plain clothes
  • Students are free to arrive and leave as they see fit. Supervision is only provided in the library between 5:00pm-8:00pm.
  • Students are to be in the library only. This is not a time for sport or social gatherings. 

A librarian will be on duty from 5:00pm-8:00pm to assist if required; however, these are not tutoring sessions.

Accessing Student Results 

Student results and feedback for assessment items can be accessed by parents on Parent Lounge. Please follow the steps below which highlight how to access your son’s results and feedback.


1. Open parent portal and click on “Parent Lounge”.


2. On the left-hand tab select “Curricular Activities Due” and select “view all activities” on the top right-hand side of page. 


 This will take you to a screen that lists of your son/s assessment to complete or has been completed. 


3. Click on a subject to view feedback.    

 4. Once you click on the subject you will be able to find the following information: 


a. Task sheet for assessment – this will outline what your son needs to do to complete the task successfully

b. Draft due dates and due dates

c. Criteria sheet

d. Feedback

e. Result