Sport News

Mr Derek Lennon, Head of Sport

Last weekend was the midpoint of the winter season as we competed against St Peters Lutheran College. On a wonderful day for sport Marist enjoyed the bulk of the results across both football codes.


The weekend started on Friday night where our 1st IV kept their undefeated run going with an impressive 10-6 victory. Overall we won the three senior matches but went down in the intermediate and junior fixtures.


On Saturday the rugby program was split across Brisbane with St Peters only having a few rugby teams. We ended up playing against every other AIC school (except St Edmunds) and also Terrace and Cannon Hill Anglican College. In the matches against St Peters we won all six matches with a for and against of 329 points for and 75 against. After a tight first half, our superior fitness and ability to execute told out and were able to put on some beautiful backline moves to create a number of tries as we ran away with the match 39-13 in the end. 


In football, where SPLC have more teams, we played 24 matches for 18 wins and 2 draws, scoring 128 goals and conceding 24. The 1st XI were able to hold their own, and in fact created the better chances in a 1-all draw, against a team many thought were a premiership chance on a tight field that did not suit our skilful players.


1st XV v St Patricks College

Mid-week rugby comes to Ashgrove this week with the 1st XV match against St Pats being played this Wednesday afternoon at 3:25pm on McMahon Oval. This is a great chance for the whole school to come and watch our premier rugby team. Head down after school, sit in the grandstand and cheer the boys home.  


Positive Supporting

School sport provides us with a wonderful opportunity for boys to play sports, try new activities, represent the college and play with their mates. It is a safe, inclusive environment for all and a positive experience for players, coaches and staff and spectators. I take this opportunity to remind our whole college community that we have an obligation to play our part in this when we are on school grounds spectating. 


Firstly, the AIC has a policy of no dogs on site at any of the venues. Please support this and leave your pets at home. There are a lot of people and lots of noise, motion and excitement to stir up even the most placid of dogs from time to time.


When we are watching our boys sport, as coaches and supporters, we must be setting the best example possible for the boys. That includes accepting any umpire decision, regardless of whether we felt it was correct or not, respecting and encouraging all players on the field, and being always gracious in victory or defeat. It is up to all of to make sure school sport remains the safe and inclusive experience it has traditionally been.


If you witness poor behaviour at any of our sporting fixtures please contact with the team, location and time, and brief summary of the incident for us to follow up. If this involves our opposition we will contact the other school, please make sure all concerns are directed to us, not the other school. 



We have reached that point in the term when assignments kick in, exams are on the horizon and next term’s sports are starting to send out information about trials and opportunities next term. There is a lot to distract us from the commitment we have in front of, the sport we are currently playing. Please make sure current sports, football, rugby cross country and chess remain our priority right through to the end of the season. 


My experience in boys education tells me that boys do better when maintaining a regular routine, this includes in exam times. Boys thrive on familiarity and consistency with their schedules and so training for teams will continue through to the end of the season for all teams. Where any individual feels they would benefit from missing training in the morning because they have an exam first up, we support this but please make sure you communicate with your coach and year co-ordinator in advance.


Cross Country

Good luck to our cross country team as they prepare for the AIC Championships next Wednesday with Met North and the final lead-up meet this week. 


Mr Derek Lennon (Football Coordinator)


There is real momentum in our football program at the moment. Over the four rounds of competition, we have comprehensively outplayed our opposition, with number listed above from this weekend being similar to the Villanova and Iona rounds, and honours a bit more even from the Padua round. The next three rounds are going to be vital in getting points for the aggregate shield, and St Laurence's will be the biggest challenge. Looking at the results from that trial, they dominated the younger years with Marist performing a lot better in the older years. In the aggregate divisions, our teams are doing well include: 7B – third; 8B – first; 9A – first; 10B – second; 2nd XI – 1st; 3rd XI – 1st . 


Team of the week is impossible to decide this week. The following teams won by more than 5 goals: 5A, 5B, 5C, 5 WHITE, 6A, 6B, 6 White, 8C, 9B, 9C and 10B. Well done to all teams in what was a wonderful round of football for Marist. Most pleasing was the sportsmanship displayed across our teams where our opposition were clearly outclassed we were able to make sure we respected them throughout. 


The 1st XI took on a St Peters team with a lot of Year 12s and confident of doing well in the AIC this year, with 2 wins and 1 loss. Playing on a tight and challenging pitch at Indooroopilly was always going to be a challenge as it played into the hands of our opponents who dominated physically against our youthful, skilled side. A couple of injuries leading into the game, to our starting centre-backs and also first-choice striker were going to add to the mountain but the boys stood up well, especially Giacomo Calabrese and James Wintzloff at the back and Isaac Ortiz and Cole Miklashek provided our attacking threat on both flanks as we grew into the match we looked the more likely to win, but the game ended in an exciting 1-all draw.


This weekend sees all matches at Marist against St Patrick’s College. This will mean a longer day for us, with the 1st XI kicking off at 2:30, but it also provides a great opportunity for younger boys to stay and support the flagship team in what will no doubt be another great game of football.

Track and Field

Mr Richard Graham – Director of Track and Field

Mr Rob Martin – Head Coach, Track and Field


Come and Try

The Marist College Track and Field program has won 8 successive AIC Championships. 


This Thursday 25 May, for any student new to the College in 2023 and interested in Track and Field, we will be holding a “Come and Try” meet on Hayden Oval at Break 1.


The “Come and Try” will comprise of 3 events - 1. 100m sprint 2. Shot put (plus a technical throw eg. Javelin) 3. Vertical jump test.


If you are interested, please move to Hayden Oval immediately at the start of Break 1.


Sunday Sessions

A reminder to ANY students wishing to be involved in the Marist College Track and Field program, Sunday afternoon sessions have now begun. 


Head Coach, Mr Rob Martin has overseen the past two Sunday sessions and will continue to  oversee the start of the College’s preparation as a lead in to the House Carnival and the Track and Field season.


WHEN: Sunday afternoons

WHERE: Hayden Oval

TIME: 3:15-4:45pm

DRESS CODE: Marist sport clothing


If you have any questions, please contact Mr Richard Graham.

Rugby Union

Mr Richard Graham – Director of Rugby


Thank You

Every week preparing and weekend hosting is a busy time for all the people supporting the College’s rugby union program.


As we pass the half way point in the season, I would like to acknowledge a large group of people.


The College ground staff has a done a fantastic job with the fields. We are fortunate to have the best school facilities in Brisbane, and the ground staff do an amazing job at preparing the Ovals for our students each weekend. 


The Health Centre oversee our extremely thorough medical processes. We have approximately 700 students training and playing rugby every weekend. The Health Centre and medical team are a happy and friendly bunch, and have been supportive, knowledgeable and caring.


The College’s marketing team have delivered the best social media coverage of any AIC school. They have been a part of the journey from preseason and the Rugby Ready Program, through to the season proper. The 1st XV pictures on Sunday evening, a mixture of all the other rugby union teams on Monday, followed by another build up to the next weekend’s game. 


Also, the addition of other activities on game day including half time and post-game entertainment.


The canteen and all the people who give their time each weekend to make sure we provide a high level of service to our parents, supporters, visitors and students. It is a busy place and they always do it with a smile.


Thank you all!!


Round 4 vs Iots…

Well done on another big weekend of rugby union.


A massive weekend against seven schools across six different venues. Thanks to all the Marist teams and supporters who contributed to making Saturday a fantastic day of rugby right across Brisbane. 


Thanks also to some non-traditional AIC schools, Gregory Terrace and Canon Hill College, for providing our students with opposition. We are committed to finding the students 50 minutes of rugby each weekend and I would like to acknowledge those schools that are assisting us do that.


Round 5 vs St Pat’s

A crazy round of rugby union will see the 1st XV play against St Pat’s College on Wednesday and the rest of the College play Saturday.


It will great to be back at home for our second home game this season. In speaking to the students around the training fields, there is a lot of enthusiasm to be playing at Marist this weekend.


The 1st XV will be supporting the Year 5 and 6 teams on McMahon Oval and Hayden Oval early on Saturday before joining the other Year levels to support where they can.


Please come along for another wonderful day of rugby union.


Mr Andrew Ward (Director of Tennis)


Welcome to all new players this week trying out for AIC team selections.


We wish you all good luck and please remember all students need to be dressed in their Marist training gear for trials to assist photographers taking action shots of year levels trialing for selection.


This week we have already seen both Year 8 and Year 7 trial with great numbers. Good to see so many familiar faces returning to have a crack at selection.


We have a very busy period over the next three weeks so we please ask that all students turn up on time for the trials and also for all squad members  also for their allocated training days.


Open Doubles Championships

This is available for all students from Year 7-12 to play in this year’s tournament to hopefully be crowned the Open Doubles Champions.


This year we are holding this on two Friday afternoons the 9th and 16th June. All prizes and trophies will be awarded at the conclusion of the final. We will also have a BBQ on the 16th for all players and parents in attendance.


Good luck to all teams.


To enter please send a confirmation email to MCATennis with yours and your partner’s name.


Don’t have a partner we can help find you one and we urge all players to participate to get much needed match play for the upcoming AIC season.


Trials for all AIC year levels and starting with the first trial are as follows for Weeks 6, 7 and 8.


All students are reminded that they must be enrolled through the parent portal to be eligible for selection of any team.

  • Year 5        Thursday 25 May, 1 and 8 June           6:45am-8:15am
  • Year 6        Friday 26 May, 2 and 9 June                6:45am-8:15am
  • Year 7       Tuesday 23 and 30 May, 6 June          6:45am-8:15am   
  • Year 8       Monday 22 and 29 May, 5 June          6:45am-8:15am
  • Year 9       Tueday 23 and 30 May,  6 June           5:00pm-6:30pm
  • Year 10     Thursday 25 May, 1 and 8 June           5:00pm-6:30pm
  • Opens       Tuesday 23 and 30 May, 6 June          3:30pm-5:00pm

Week 9 and 10 will have a new training schedule as year levels will be trialing twice a week.


Teams will hopefully be picked on the 16 or 17 June with a trial squad for each year level and Open teams.


Again, these are trial teams and not final team selections.


Players are also reminded that there are reserves for each year level, and with hard training and showing the coaches you are ready to play for your year level, then we would not hesitate to give that student a start if there is a student who could be struggling with form or cannot play for any reason.


We can therefore choose up to 12 players for each year level if there are enough players wanting to play and represent the school in tennis this year.


Holiday Clinic

We will be holding a holiday clinic in the first week of the holidays on 26, 27 and 28 June from 8:00-11:00am. Due to winter coming we will not finish at the pool at this time. Cost is $150.00 for the 3 days or $60.00 per day.


For all bookings, please email


AIC Opens and “A” players chosen for their year levels.

We will be holding free masterclass sessions during the holidays where Bo and I will work tirelessly with the boys having them ready and raring to go for our first trial game against St Edmunds on July 15 at home. All boys are expected to be in attendance unless they are away on holidays or are boarders who have returned home.


All students nominated will be given this rare opportunity to train and enhance their skills and touch up on some areas that they know need improving.


These will be held on 26, 27 and 28 June from 12:00pm-3:00pm and again on the 10,11 and 12 July from 8:00-11:00am. These sessions will be coaching followed by match play.


Term 3 training schedule will also be released soon.

Round 5 Draws



Rugby Union