Learning & Teaching

School Captains' News

On Tuesday 6 June, our School Captains, Charlotte and Michael attended the Primary School Leaders' Forum at the Kew RSL. They were invited by Jess Wilson MP to speak about one local and one state issue that was a concern to them. 

Below are the two issues that were raised. 



We would like to see the ovals of Kew be fixed

  • Improve drainage
  • Reduce the amount of mud and stop the smell
  • Many ovals can’t be used at the moment due to the mud, stopping community sport and recreational activities
  • If the ovals are used people risk injuring themselves due to the conditions


We would like to see free flu vaccines for all Victorians

  • Some people can’t afford to get the vaccine
  • More people may suffer due to not being protected
  • If adults are sick they won’t be able to work and will lose money
  • If children are sick they won’t be able to go to school and will miss out on learning

Well done to Charlotte and Michael for representing our school at this forum for our local area of Kew, discussing the important issues that matter, in our community.