Principal Update

Thursday 8 June


Celebrating our students

A couple of weeks ago, Beau in 34B, spoke in front of an audience of 300 people.  Beau has been advocating for himself and other kids living with a disability to be able to access sport.  He spoke at the Melbourne Rebels Chairman's Dinner on the Friday and then presented a $10,000 cheque at the Melbourne Rugby Club's President's Lunch to the CEO of Disability Sport & Recreation on Saturday. Then, he finished off his weekend with Auskick, playing a game of wheelchair AFL with his wheelie buddies!  Well done Beau, we are very proud of you.



On Tuesday, Erin (56S) and Eilidh (34B) participated in 2023 Cross Country Championships for School Sports Victoria’s Dandenong Ranges division.  They represented our school very well and should be very pleased with themselves. Erin came 13th in her event and Eilidh 15th.  This was held at the Yarra Glen racecourse.



Yesterday our Year 5/6 cohort and some Year 4 students participated in the annual EDEC Lightning Premiership.  The weather made the day a challenge but we couldn’t be happier with the attitudes of our students and the way they participated in netball, volleyball or volleystars.  All our volleyball and volleystars teams won their pools which was brilliant.  Our volleyball team has made it through to the next stage of competition.  Thanks to the staff who supported the students; especially those that played against our netball team to give them a taste of how to move the ball.  It certainly paid off and it was wonderful to see the smiles on the faces of our students both playing and supporting throughout the day.

Thanks also to Kate Keys, Sarah Homans, Laura Lane, Claire Lever, Danni Pearce and Tash Soldatow for running the canteens at both venues.  This is a huge task but greatly appreciated.




Enrolments for Foundation 2024 are open. Families are asked to complete an enrolment form and return it to the school office as soon as possible to assist with planning for 2024. If you know of family or friends who may be interested in hearing more about Menzies Creek education for their children, please ask them to contact the school office to arrange a tour. We are available for prospective and existing families to see the school in action.  Thank you for your assistance with this.


Staffing update

Commencing next term Riaane Comport will be taking some well-deserved long service leave to enjoy travelling around our beautiful country with her family. 

Natalie Woodgate will have 12A during this time which will be a great for our students’ continuity, I thank Natalie for making this happen.

We know Riaane will have a wonderful time and we wish her safe travels as she creates lifelong memorable experiences for her family. 


Starting next Wednesday until the end of term, Alison Scott will be taking some long service leave as she heads north to find some sunshine!  Have a great time Alison


From the beginning of Term 3 we will welcome back Kate Watkins.  Kate will be taking PE for us on a Tuesday. 

We need to thank Ray Rus who has been taking PE for us this semester.  Ray will continue providing release for staff when they are absent where possible it will be nice to have someone the students already know.



We have scheduled some student free days that we wish to communicate with everyone so you can be prepared and make necessary arrangements.  These dates have been approved by our School Council.

  • Friday 14 July - this will be set aside for our three-way conferences to discuss the semester one reports and set learning goals for the remainder of the year.  
  • Friday 11 August - staff will be working alongside other Dandenong Ranges schools working on student voice.

Please add these dates to your calendars.  Should you require assistance with supervision TheirCare are available.


Upcoming events

We have some events planned for our students in the coming weeks such as a hot food day tomorrow and a disco to end the term.  Keep an eye out for further information in the newsletter and on Compass.



We do have Assembly tomorrow with a class performance from the 1/2s



Dale McInerney