KIOSC - Psychology

Knox Innovation, Opportunity & Sustainability Centre

Last week, Year 11 Psychology students went to KIOSC to learn more about the relationship between the brain and the body. 


Students investigated whether the human body’s physiological responses would be influenced by experiences in virtual reality. They had the opportunity to measure their heart rate, galvanic skin response (sweat) and temperature while they were in two different conditions in virtual reality: meditation and going on a roller-coaster. 


Students were able to relax during meditation while exploring different settings like the ocean and rainforests, and experienced some thrill on the virtual reality roller-coaster. The data showed conflicting information, giving students plenty to evaluate about the investigation. 


Overall students had a lot of fun experimenting with the equipment and technology, and were able to gain a deeper understanding of what it is like to conduct scientific experiments including collecting and analysing data. 


Katerina Fonda
