Principal's Report

Principal Newsletter Report Term 2 Week 7
Report Writing Day
On Tuesday 13th June all teaching staff will be working on the assessment of end of semester tasks and the completion of Semester 1 reports for all students. As such, no classes will be run on this day and students are not required at school.
Semester reports will be published to parents and students on June 23rd. In Term 3 there will be opportunities to discuss feedback and plan improvement from these reports at our Parent Teacher Conferences.
End of Term early dismissal
A reminder that Friday 23rd June is the final day of Term 2.
Periods 1-4 will run as timetabled, and all students will be dismissed at the end of period 4 at 1:15 on this day.
Senior Secondary Education reform
Term 2 Parents Victoria parent webinar
Your child’s new options for years 10-12
Join this webinar, hosted by Parents Victoria, to learn about the new VCE Vocational Major, Victorian Pathways Certificate, and VET.
Senior secondary education in Victoria is changing, and there’s a new way for your child to complete the VCE: the VCE Vocational Major.
Join this webinar to learn more about how your child can pursue their goals in years 10-12. The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority and Department of Education will explain:
• the VCE Vocational Major
• the Victorian Pathways Certificate
• vocational education and training (VET) for school students
• career education and support.
There will be time at the end of the webinar for your questions about students’ options for senior secondary education.
Two webinars are available;
• 11:00-11:45am Thursday 15 June 2023: Register to attend via Webex
• 7:30-8:15pm Tuesday 20 June 2023: Register to attend via Webex
At Epping Secondary College we will offer students the option of VCE, VCE Vocational Major, the Victorian Pathways Certificate, in addition to continuing our Careers Focused and Pathways programs in 2024. We will be running an information night at Epping Secondary College on Wednesday July 12th for all Yr10 students.
Take part in a survey to help shape the future of education in Australia
Parents and guardians are invited to take part in a survey to help inform the Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System.
The online survey is an opportunity to help shape the future of education in Australia. It closes on Friday 23 June 2023.
The survey is open to anyone who cares for a school-aged child and makes decisions about their education. Students aged under 18 years can also take part, but require consent from a parent or guardian to do so.
The expert panel for the review will use the results to inform recommendations for the final report to all education ministers, by 31 October 2023. The final report will advise education ministers on what targets and reforms should be included in the next National School Reform Agreement.
The Social Research Centre is conducting the survey.
For more information on the survey, refer to parents/guardians survey on the Australian Government Department of Education website.
Jared Williams
Acting College Principal