Wellbeing Report 

Andre Campbell


Wellbeing Update 

In the mornings I love hearing the grumbles from students that parents are “making them” put on a jumper. Well, it has been quite cold lately and I see there has been some improvement.  However, don’t assume that older students are prepared for the day. Little steps parents and keep up that nagging! 


Across the week we have a number of opportunities for students to feel supported with their friendships whether it’s during break times out in the yard/electives or speaking to our welfare team.  If you have any questions or are looking for tips please speak to staff. We really hope your children come home from school happy to talk and share their day with you. 


We have some children complaining that they are hungry at break times. If children are hungry this really impacts on their concentration, moods and their learning. Lunch flasks are a great way for children to have a warm meal and you can pick them up cheaply from department stores. This week, Kmart is selling these kids flasks for $6.00. Lunch flasks are a great product, they are small in size and it really holds temperature well.


Pantry Canned Food Drive

Pantry donations are rolling in and we would like to thank families for thinking about others who are doing it tough. We kindly ask our school community, if you are in a position to do so, to donate non-perishable items to community pantry food drive.  Donations can be dropped off at the school office.  Items which will help families include:

  • Rice & pasta 
  • Pasta sauce
  • Tomato/BBQ sauce
  • 2-minute noodles
  • Stock - liquid/cubes
  • Tinned vegetables 
  • Cake mixes, pancake mix and jelly
  • Muesli bars, biscuits and crackers
  • Cooking oil
  • Tea, coffee and milo
  • Shampoo, conditioner, tooth paste, liquid soap, tissues and toilet paper
  • Laundry liquid, paper towel, cleaning sprays, sponges and wipes
  • Dog and cat food including tinned and dry

Playtime-Co-operation & Arguments 

We all have arguments from time to time and when this happens it does not mean the end of a friendship or having enemies. Point out to children that in all arguments both people think they are right. Sometimes, an argument can be resolved when it occurs. At other times people need to avoid hurting the other people’s feelings too much at the time by going away to calm down, and then try to resolve it later.  Dealing well with arguments protects friendships and reduces bad feelings.


  • Do try to stay calm and talk through the problem using a respectful voice.
  • If you or the other person are getting upset say, “We’re getting too angry.  Let’s talk about it later,” and walk away. 
  • Make sure you do talk about it later. 
  • When you have calmed down, recognise that allowing the bad feelings to continue is not a good thing.  You are responsible for dealing with them. 
  • When you feel calm, go and talk to the other person.
  • Share your point of view and tell them about your feelings eg: “I felt bad when you did not include me in your game”.
  • Let them tell their point of view.  Listen without interrupting until they have finished.
  • Try to find a way to be friends again. Remember to give and take and compromise. 

General Enquiries for Second Hand Uniform 

For parents looking to purchase second hand uniform you can contact the office or the Wellbeing Team any time, Monday through to Friday. We are happy to make up bags (providing we have the stock) if parents cannot get to the school for our sales. 

State School Relief

We can help families who are experiencing financial hardship to purchase school uniform.  Please email Kristy from Wellbeing Team for assistance at- Kristy.Malcolm@education.vic.gov.au

Chaplain Requests

The Department of Education has made some changes to the National Student Wellbeing Program in schools. For parents and carers interested, you need to sign a consent form in order for Jeanette Nortcliffe to see your child.  Jeanette.Nortcliffe@education.vic.gov.au

Fruit Available 

Fruit is available in the classrooms for students to eat. Every week, Food Bank supply the school with a variety of fresh fruit including apples, oranges, pears and carrots. 


Breakfast Club Mon & Tues 8:15am-8:45am in the German Room

All students can come to school early and have breakfast at school. The Breakfast Club program is run by Jeanette, our school chaplain, Sandy Walter our German teacher and our team of volunteer parents. Food Bank supply breakfast items including a range of breakfast cereals, bread, fresh fruit, tins of spaghetti and other staples.  Parents are most welcome to walk their children down to check out the range of choices that are be offered. To avoid disappointment, please try to drop your child off by 8:30am. Breakfast Club must close at 8:45am in order for the classrooms to start.

Community Pantry Open Mon, Tues & Friday Afternoons-Hall Foyer


If you did not know, we open our community pantry 3 afternoons per week.  People can help themselves to a range of products including breakfast staples such as long life milk, cereals, soups, rice dishes and fruit.  All families will need to do is bring their own bags.  At school drop off time, we will have hampers available at the kiss and drop. Please ask Mary or myself and we will pop the hamper into your car.  If you know someone going through a rough patch please reach out and let the Wellbeing Team know. For any enquiries please email the Wellbeing Team at-





Head lice Update

This year parents have been doing an excellent job monitoring and treating their children for head lice. To date, we have not had any cases reported for 4 weeks.  All families need to continue to be vigilant and screen their children’s hair.  Please notify the office or tell your child’s teacher when you treat your child so lice alert notifications can be lodged on COMPASS. Reminder-any child found with live lice will be excluded from school until they are treated. 

Activities at Lunchtime- German Room 

Monday & Tuesday-Craft Club 

Thursday-Lego Club 

Our activity clubs at lunchtime have been extremely popular. For children looking for something fun, make more friends and being creative they may be interested in coming to craft club or Lego club. Student can also do colouring in, hang out with friends or just make something out of the materials on hand.


In craft club, the younger children have been making pom poms, beaded bracelets and cat’s eyes. We had to stop making paper people as we have run out of paper towel rolls and glad wrap rolls. We are looking for donations so please send the cardboard rolls to school. The students will be happy when we can start making them again.    


In Lego club, the Woori Farm continues to enthral the kids. It’s great to eaves drop on their conversations about agriculture, conserving the environment and solar energy. For children looking for free play, we have students building and connecting with their friends and we also have a group building using the Lego Friends themed bricks. 

Attendance & Absences

We encourage parents and carers to refer to COMPASS for information happening at school. Schools are required to work towards IMPROVING THE ATTENDANCE and PUNCTUALITY RATES of our students. When your child is going to be away parents and carers need to notify the school through COMPASS. This really helps us as we are able to communicate effectively with all relevant staff early in the school day. 

Attendance Data 

Over the time a child attends school, having 1 or 2 days absence does not seem like much but it does add up and can impact on missed learning opportunities.