Year 6 Report

Inquiry and Literacy

This Term in Inquiry, Grade 6 students read and researched about migration to Australia. Students learnt about a variety of community groups that migrated to our community from the Gold Rush migration in the 1850s, to now.  Students researched, read and viewed texts about migration to then create their own Historical Narratives. Their published pieces were turned into PowerPoints and presented to our community at the Writer's Festival.




In Maths this term, Grade 6 students have further developed their understanding of Measurement. Students have participated in a variety of challenging, open ended questions to explore area, perimeter, capacity and volume. 


  • School starts at 8.50am
  • Read each night for 30 minutes. Please record reading in students diaries so teachers can monitor the students reading.
  • 5/6 Camp. Full payments for Camp are due on the 14th of July, students who have paid for Camp will receive a Medical Form to complete next term.