Year 3 Report

Term 2

Another Term down! It's been a very busy Term for all students, who have worked really hard in achieving their best.   The Grade 3 students have enjoyed being involved in the Writers Festival and sharing their writing with students and parents.


This term in Reading, the Grade 3 students have looked at text structure and features of narratives and the difference between realistic and fantasy. The students delved into authors craft exploring the different ways that authors enhance their texts to make them more engaging. To give them opportunities to deepen their understanding of the texts they have also explored and practiced using inferences of characters feelings and thoughts.


In Writing, the Grade 3 students, explored elements of a realistic narrative, developing characters, setting, problems and solutions.  While using their imaginations in creating their stories the students learnt about various language devices that add detail and description, developing a writer's voice.  They worked through the process of writing, and publishing their work which they were able to share successfully at our whole school Writers Festival.




In numeracy the students developed their strategies to use number lines, near doubles facts, fact families and building to the next ten to solve addition and subtraction problems. They have also learnt efficient mental strategies, such as round and adjust and take and give, to solve addition and subtraction problems. Students have explored the concept of length to identify and compare objects using informal measurements such as hand space or icypole sticks and formal measurements by using cm and metres with a ruler. 


This Term the Grade 3 students, explored rules and laws associated with local governance.  They have looked at the difference between ‘rules and ‘laws', and 'rights and responsibilities of being a good citizen. The students had opportunities to discuss why rules are important and the consequences if rules aren’t followed. Students had an opportunity to work collaboratively to design and implement an activity which needed rules in order to be successful. Through this project students were able to realise the importance of clear and fair rules through a real life situation. 



  • A medical note will be sent home shortly for students who are attending Camp ADANAC next term and that must be completed and returned in order for your child to attend camp. 
  • Full payment for camp must be done by Sunday the 16th of July



  • School starts at 8.50am
  • Parent/Teacher Interviews - 20th - 22rd June (check on and book Sentral for your specific dates
  • Career day Friday 16th - dress up as what you would like to be when you grow up
  • Maths Survivor Day / Last Day of Term - 23rd June