Year 1/2 Report

End of Term 2 2023

Well done to all the Grade One and Two students for completing an enjoyable term. We wish all families a safe and happy break and we can't wait to see you in Term 3! 



In Numeracy, students explored the topic of place value. They participated in warm up activities to improve their number fluency such as ‘build to 100’ and ‘number master mind’. Students were thoroughly engaged during these activities which allowed them to consolidate and build on these skills. The place value unit focused on students having many opportunities to manipulate concrete materials to build their understanding of 1s, 10s, 100s and beyond. During Term 2 students also learnt how to use number lines, doubles facts of single digit numbers, friends of ten facts, the count on and count down strategies to solve real-life addition and subtraction stories. To scaffold their application of these strategies, students were supplied with and engaged in a variety of addition and subtraction-based games. Students were also introduced to a new physical resource called Rekenreks,  which will be very helpful with their future learning of a wide variety of key math skills. Lastly, at the end of the term, students identified the names of common 2D shapes and how many corners and sides they have.




In Reading, students have learnt about the different features of non-fiction texts and have further developed their knowledge by explaining why each feature is important. Students have read a range of modelled texts from Epic and Sunshine Online. They have become excellent thinkers by using a range of strategies to make predictions about a text! Students have been asking and writing down questions before, during and after the text to gain further information. Some of the strategies students have been using to assist in their questioning and predicting are looking at the title, using the picture, accessing prior knowledge and making text connections. To end the term in reading students also learnt the skill of summarising. They learnt how to identify the main events or facts read in a text to write them down in short sentences after their reading.


During Writing students have been busy writing their own information booklets! Students were focused on using the features of non-fiction texts they learnt during the reading lessons to create their own non-fiction texts and were encouraged to research important facts provided to them. They learnt how to categorise this information into main headings. They also learnt how to summarise main points by listing important information as dash facts. Students created information booklets on a variety of topics which they published and shared with an audience. They also wrote a response to an Elma the Elephant story and many recounts of personal experiences, such as their holidays, weekends or special personal events. Students worked hard independently and with their grade 5/6 buddies to publish their main writing pieces, which they got to celebrate with our whole school community by displaying their writing for our Writers Festival.




In Inquiry, students learnt about the topic, "Staying Safe as a Road User." During this unit students identified features of a road environment, the safety features of cars and how to be a safe passenger. They learnt about the safest places to cross on the road and how to use the Stop, Look, Listen and Think process to cross roads safely. Students applied the knowledge learned in this unit to role model safe riding behaviours while riding bicycles and scooters with helmets around the basketball course. Students also participated in an RACV incursion where they identified road safety dangers and how to navigate these dangers safely.




School starts at 8:50 and finishes at 3:10 - please make sure you are on time   

Please provide, drink bottle, fruit snack, lunch and recess snack each day 

Term 2 means colder weather so please send a NAMED jacket and/or coat   

Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absence   

Red folders are to be returned to school each day for notes, home readers, oxford words and diaries.  


The Grade 1/2 Team  

Khalad Karim, Mark Turner, Emily Routley, Katherine Richardson, Rosie Borg, Kerrie Passmore and Belinda Perera.