Prep Report

Well done to all the Prep students for completing their first semester at school! Students have participated in a lot of exciting learning experiences and the Grade Prep teachers are very proud of all the growth we have seen this semester.  



In Reading, students have consolidated making connections between letters and sounds as well as learning new reading goals. The reading goals; ‘Point to the words as you read’, ‘Get your mouth ready to make the first sound’, ‘Look at the picture’ and ‘Stretch out the sounds’ have been a focus this semester. Students have participated in Guided Reading and conferences to practice their reading goals. They have also looked at making predictions about books before and after they read as well as learning the features of fiction books. In Writing, students have continued to write daily and focused on being brave writers and encouraged to record the sounds they hear in words independently. There has been a particular focus on students using finger spaces between words and ensuring they use punctuation in their writing (a capital letter at the start of the sentence and a full stop at the end). In Handwriting, students have continued to improve their fine motor skills, pencil grip and posture when writing. In Speaking and Listening, students have engaged in various oral language experiences, incursions, craft activities and games to expose them to new vocabulary and to help them generate ideas to write about. Students celebrated their hard work in writing this semester in the Writer's festival with other students throughout the school and their families.



In Numeracy, students consolidated their understanding of counting forwards and backwards to 20 using hands on materials, playing games, singing counting songs and taking part in daily fluency activities at the beginning of the term. They then learnt about place value by exploring the concept of base 10 (making 10) using unifix, blocks and bundling sticks. This helped them move onto being able to name, make and record numbers to 20 including the ‘teen’ numbers. Towards the end of the term, students learnt how to collect data, make data displays (bar graphs) and how to answer simple ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ questions about their graph. They also learnt how to identify and name 2D shapes and 3D objects in their environment and can name a square, circle, triangle, square, rectangle, sphere and cube. Students ended the term learning about positional language and how to use vocabulary such as ‘over’, ‘through’ and ‘under’ to describe the position of an object. 



In Social and Emotional Learning, students consolidated their understanding of the emotions they learnt about in the Mindful Aus program. They practiced expressing their feelings and discussed their personal strengths and how they use them in life.  



In Inquiry, students learnt about people who help them in the community and at home. They learnt about road safety, firemen, and police officers and participated in several incursions to learn about how people can help them in their community. Check out our photos to see all the exciting things we did during our incursions! 



  • School starts at 8:50am and ends at 3:10pm 
  • The weather will still be cool in Term 3, so please remember to bring jackets and jumpers which are clearly labelled with your child's name 
  • Oxford words will be sent home in the red folders for reading and spelling practise 
  • Please bring a water bottle (no juice please) clearly labelled with your child's name 
  • Parent Teacher Interviews are on Wednesday the 21st of June from 2:30pm-6:30pm (school finishes at 2:30pm) & Thursday the 22nd of June from 3:30pm-6pm
  • The last day of Term 2 is Friday the 23rd of June (school finishes at 2:30pm)
  • Term 3 will commence on Monday the 10th of July.  



We wish you a restful break and can’t wait to see you in Term 3! 


The Prep Team 

Diana Polazzon, Ashley Reynolds, Chiara Mackay & Katherine Richardson