
Hello and welcome to the Italian newsletter! In Italian terms 1 and 2 were jam-packed with learning and enthusiasm. 

Through terms 1 and 2 Prep students have developed their confidence in speaking and listening through stories, role-plays, and games. Preps have used some rhythmic beats to sing simple chants and songs to practice their language skills. In addition, students have learned names for body parts, greetings, animals, and colours in Italian and each student made a paper Pinocchio.

Students in years One and Two began reading and writing short phrases in Italian in Terms 1 and 2, and they practiced pronouncing Italian words correctly. Students concentrated on accurate grammatical usage of adjectives such as size and noun usage relating to the body and colours. In addition, students learnt to count to twenty in Italian.

Students in years One and Two took part in activities such as 'Il gioco della gallina' to familiarize themselves with Personal Pronouns in Italian.
Students in years One and Two took part in activities such as 'Il gioco della gallina' to familiarize themselves with Personal Pronouns in Italian.

Students in grades Three and Four have continued during terms 1 and 2 to enhance their listening skills by understanding and responding to spoken Italian in a variety of contexts. They have engaged in activities such as listening to conversations, stories, songs, and audio recordings. They began conjugating regular verbs in Italian and took part in short plays to help with their pronunciation of Italian.

Students in years Three and Four engage with interactive activities during Italian.
Students in years Three and Four engage with interactive activities during Italian.

Students in years Five and Six during terms 1 and 2 have engaged in oral activities to develop their speaking skills. Students worked in small groups and presented short plays in Italian. They have practised pronunciation, intonation, and fluency through dialogues, role-plays, and presentations. They also have learned to ask and answer questions, describe people, and conjugating regular verbs in Italian.

Students in years Five and Six performed plays in Italian.
Students in years Five and Six performed plays in Italian.