Dates to
Dates to
Wednesday 21st June: Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday 22nd June: Parent Teacher Interviews
Friday 23rd June: LAST DAY OF TERM - Math's Survivor Day - EARLY FINISH 2.30p.m.
Monday 10th July - Friday 14th July: NAIDOC week
Wednesday 2nd August - Friday 4th August: 3/4 Camp
Friday 11th August: District Athletics
Monday 14th August - Friday 18th August: Science Week
Monday 14th August - Wednesday 16th August: 5/6 Camp
Monday 21st August - Friday 25th August: Book Week
Thursday 24th August: Community Picnic 3:30 - 5:30p.m.
Friday 25th August: Book Parade
Friday 1st September: Tennis Hot Shots Gala Day
Friday 8th September: Year 1 stay late & Year 2 Sleep Over
Friday 15th September: LAST DAY OF TERM - Olympic Day - EARLY FINISH 2.30p.m.
Monday 2nd October: First Day Term 4
Friday 13th October: Rugby Gala Day
Thursday 26th October: Arts Extravaganza
Friday 10th November: Remembrance Day
Monday13th November - Friday 17th November: P- 6 Swimming Program
Friday 8th December: PRIDE Day